Computer Ethics and Literacy in the Classroom

XX is the century known for the revolutionary invention – computer technology. The formation of computer society is one of the most important phenomena. It is impossible to imagine modern life without computer technology.

It is used by almost everyone everywhere. Schoolchildren and students are taught how to use computers to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for their future profession. Any specialist should know how to use computer technology no matter what industry he/she works in.

Computer Ethics and Literacy in the Classroom

Computer Ethics and Literacy in the Classroom

Every student understands the necessity to become an expert in computer science. If he/she finds it difficult to cope with computer programming assignment problems, he/she goes to someone who could do coding projects from scratch – to Assignment Core programming homework service, for example for developing the necessary computer skills.

It isn’t enough to learn computer basics for effective use of information technology. Every computer user should have a clear understanding of what computer ethics and literacy are.

So, what does computer ethics study? It’s the science that considers technical, moral, social, political, and philosophical issues. Let’s have a closer look at the issues teachers should consider in the classroom.

Why Is It a Must to Learn the Basics of Computer Ethics?

Everyone knows what ethics means. It is the science that studies what is good and what is bad. The same is about computer ethics. The only difference is that here “good” and “bad” refer to the use of computer technology. Information technologies have changed the life of society and influenced all the industries.

These changes have contributed to the formation of a new informational society. That’s why computer technology has become an essential social factor. This led to the emergence of many situations that should be regulated by computer ethics. What role does the computer play as a social factor?

It can’t change ethical norms by itself. But it can become a dangerous tool if it is used by people who don’t have moral values and use information technology irresponsibly.

Computer technology has provided many new opportunities. Computer ethics has appeared as a result of the necessity to react to new situations the right way. The development of a set of rules on how to behave on the Internet has led to the formation of the so-called netiquette.

The essence of this kind of etiquette is to regulate the relationships of users on the Internet. Virtual society should be regulated as well. That’s why teachers should teach students how to behave responsibly and not harm other information technology users.

There are many situations when it is possible to talk about the negative effect of using information technology. One of them is hacking. But computer ethics makes it possible to differentiate when hacking has a bad or good effect. In some cases, hacking that has a negative meaning itself can be helpful.

For example, hacking can help to find criminals. But if hackers steal financial information and use their knowledge and skills for their personal benefits hacking has a negative effect.

Main Issues that Should Be Discussed at Computer Ethics Classes

Teachers of schools and higher educational establishments should draw the attention of students to the following issues:

  • Issues that are connected to the development of moral code for computer users whose job supposes the use of computer technology;
  • Protection of author rights, the right for private life and freedom of speech that refers to the sphere of information technologies;
  • The emergence of computer crimes.

One of the main tasks of teachers is to protect students from the harmful influence of information. Information security is what each student should learn.

Students should learn ethics to have moral duty and understanding about how to use computer technology and all the innovative opportunities provided by the Internet technology for the benefit of society.

Here are the main points that prove that studying computer ethics in classes is very important for everyone. Do you still think that it is a waste of time and you won’t need it for your future life? Check the main arguments proving the importance of computer ethics.

  • Protect personal information on the net.
  • Identify and control the use of plagiarized ideas and thoughts of other authors.

Information technology is now available for any person. The main thing is to use it correctly keeping in mind social and moral values when using computer technology.

10 Rules of Computer Ethics Every User Should Know

Do you feel confused when it comes to computer ethics? Here are the main commandments of computer ethics that are learned in computer ethics classes.

  1. Don’t use a computer with the aim to do harm to someone.
  2. Don’t use the computer files of other users.
  3. Remember that computer technology shouldn’t be used for perjury.
  4. Don’t say that the programs written by others are products of your intellectual work.
  5. Don’t use computer technology with the aim to steal something.
  6. Don’t use the software you haven’t bought. Copying programs without a license isn’t allowed according to computer ethics.
  7. Never interfere with the work of other computer users.
  8. Don’t use someone’s computer without the permission of the user.
  9. Keep in mind the reaction of society to the program you have developed.
  10. Use computer technology responsibly.

Computer technology should bring benefits to society, not hurt anyone. Students should have computer ethics on their schedule to have a clear idea about what behavior is positive/negative when they use Internet technologies.