Download FaceApp | How FaceApp Works?

One of the applications that is having more success in this period is certainly FaceApp. This application allows you to rejuvenate or age a face present in any photo, adding or subtracting a lot of years from its appearance in a very realistic way.

Download FaceApp | How FaceApp works?

Download FaceApp | How FaceApp works?

The application was launched in January 2017 by the Russian company Wireless Lab with moderate success. At the time, it allowed people to change sex in the photos. Now instead it is literally depopulated, with over 100 million downloads, thanks to a competition launched by some celebrities, or the #FaceAppChallenge.

In this competition each VIP publishes a photo of himself on social networks (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) aged through this app, a sort of race for those who get the most surprising result.

FaceApp uses artificial intelligence (AI) to edit your photos or selfies. There are many filters and effects that allow you to change your hairstyle and hair color, change your gender, expression, apply makeup, apply tattoos, beards and much more.

The currently most exploited and successful filter that has had the greatest success is certainly “Senior / Old HD”, with truly realistic and amazing results, with which to age people.

Read how to use FaceApp Teen face filter.

Download FaceApp

After this introduction, we immediately see what are the links to download the application through the Google Play Store and App Store:

The app allows you to use a series of filters for free, including the one to make a face old, while other effects in it are paid. To unlock them, various forms of time subscription are available. It starts from € 3.99 to unlock FaceApp for a month, € 19.99 for a year or € 43.99 for life.

We strongly advise against installing modified or cracked FaceApp pro Apk that can be found on search engines, to get around subscription costs, as many of these are infected and could cause serious problems.

How FaceApp works

The use of FaceApp is extremely simple and intuitive.

  1. First, click on the ” Allow ” button to be able to view the images on your smartphone in the app;
  2. For example in my gallery, for this test, I saved a photo of Cristian Ronaldo downloaded from google images;
  3. Alternatively, you can also upload images, as well as from your ” Gallery “, even from ” Facebook ” or take advantage of the ” Celebrities ” button.
  4. If you clicked on ” Celebrities “, you can search for the character by name or choose from the frequent searches already done by other users in the app.

In our example, in the ” Celebrities ” tab, by clicking on Cristian Ronaldo, as well as for any other VIP, an infinite number of photos will be available to choose from.

Once the photo has been chosen, three items will appear at the bottom:

  • Editor: in this tab you can choose between the various effects/filters present, that is Smiles, Impression, Age, beard, Colors … Etc … For each category a free effect will be available and the others for a fee (pro);
  • Fun: in this tab, there are many effects, different which will make the normal and modified photo frame appear in some cases and in other cases the single photo modified in HD;
  • Layouts: instead it allows you to manually create the type of panel and choose which effects to apply to it.

Here is a practical example of the various filters present and what can be done with the ” Layouts ” tab.

Once you have obtained the desired effect, you can save the image or share it, using one of the two buttons located at the top right.