How to Fix Invalid Settings Detected VirtualBox

You have recently installed an Operating System on VirtualBox but when you tried to start it, a warning appeared that reads: ” Invalid settings detected: Hardware virtualization is enabled in the Acceleration section of the System page, although it is not supported by the Guest System. It should be disabled to boot the virtual system. “

How to Fix Invalid Settings Detected VirtualBox

If you find yourself in this situation, you need absolutely not worry. In this article, I will give you all the information you need to solve this annoying but common problem.

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What we’re going to do is to enable hardware virtualization directly from the BIOS. To do this, you need to follow the instructions below:

Invalid Settings Detected Virtualbox | How To Fix

Start the computer and press the specific key repeatedly, until you are redirected to the page dedicated to the BIOS setup. Typically, when you start your computer, this key is indicated at the bottom of the screen. 

If it does not appear, I can tell you that generally the most common keys are the following: F2, F4, F8, F12 and DEL (DEL).

Once in the BIOS, go to the section dedicated to your CPU. Generally the option to be enabled is found in the ” Advanced ” category.

Once in this category it is necessary to locate the item ” Intel Virtualization Technology ” and select the item ” Enabled ” from the drop-down menu.

Then save the changes by pressing F10 on the keyboard and OK to confirm them. Immediately after that the computer will restart and the VirtualBox will no longer give you problems.

Still, if you have any issues, comment us in the comment box.