How to Put Song Lyrics On Spotify (Updated 2023)

If you are here, you have surely noticed that for some time Spotify has allowed you to view song lyrics in sync with the music. It is a functionality that they have implemented in collaboration with the Musixmatch platform.

How to Put Song Lyrics on Spotify

If you already have the musical production of your song distributed, playing on all platforms and you are interested in how to put the lyrics of the songs on Spotify (and therefore on all the platforms attached to Musixmatch such as Apple Music, Instagram and Vevo), in the following tutorial we indicate all the details of the steps to follow to achieve it.

How to Register in Musixmatch Pro (user, record label or artist)

When accessing the Musixmatch platform (via web, app or application for Mac or Windows), you can register in several ways: as a normal user (to add lyrics from others) or as an artist (or publisher/record label to directly manage and supervise our song catalog).

  1. We register on the Musixmatch PRO platform to access as an artist (here the link: )
  2. We access Get Started, then Sign up to create a new user. We verify the account from our email and enter the platform.
  3. On the next screen, we select whether we are going to manage the lyrics on Spotify from the catalog of a single artist (1) or songs from several artists (2).
  4. We fill out the following form with information from our artist profile and continue.
  5. Next we must indicate the link to our artist profile on Spotify and also that of Apple Music. We send the request.
  6. Once this is done, if there is no problem with our profile, it will instantly allow us to access the editing section (via the previous link by clicking Get Started ).

Fill out artist profile in Musixmatch Pro

Upon entering the platform we can fill out our artist profile by selecting Profile.

In this section we can add a banner, profile photo, the official website and links to the project’s social networksWe can also indicate up to five related musical styles before starting to upload the lyrics of the songs.

Next, we will select the Music tab to start editing and synchronizing the lyrics that will then appear on Spotify, Instagram, Apple music and other associated platforms.

Put song lyrics in Musixmatch so they are added to Spotify

When you enter the Music section, the list of songs that the platform detects in our artist profiles should automatically appear. If we see that a song is missing, we can add it at the bottom with the Add missing release option to be able to add the lyrics later.

Next, we click on the title of the song which we want to add the lyrics to and we enter a new editing screen (upper section: Edit ). In this we can write or copy the lyrics of the song.

(Important) : There are writing rules that we can learn in the next platform course that will help us learn the format, synchronize the letters and access extra functionalities. We advise you to do it before publishing so that the lyrics of your songs appear correctly on Spotify or Instagram.

When adding the letter we will always begin each sentence with a capital letter and we will not end sentences with periods or commas.

We will write down each of the sung phrases (even if they are repeated several times) and we will make sure that we are verifying the lyrics while listening to the song so as not to make any mistakes (musixmatch automatically plays the song for us at the bottom).

Sync lyrics to Spotify or Instagram using Musixmatch

Once we have the lyrics written, click on the top tab Synchronize, where we can adjust the beginning of each of the phrases of the song and add the instrumental parts of our song or online recording so that Spotify, Instagram and Apple Music indicate it with an ♪ on the screen.

Some advices:

  • The audio of the song will play and you can balance the time of each phrase with the down arrow button on the screen or with the computer keyboard.
  • We can then adjust each start with the + and – buttons. The sentences should begin right with the voice or half a second before.
  • Instrumental parts of five seconds or longer should be indicated with #instrumental on the next line of text.

Once you have the song you have created correctly synchronized, we will press the Send button. If there are no errors (which it sometimes tells us to solve), the lyrics of the song will already be in the process of being sent through Musixmatch to streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Vevo or even Instagram.

From our experience, the process can take several days or weeks to appear on Spotify. We recommend sending it again if it does not appear after a few days (luckily save a draft with the modifications). You can also synchronize using a mobile phone or cell phone with the Musixmatch app.

This other option to put song lyrics on Spotify allows us to synchronize the text word by word, and even add the structure of the song.

Add lyrics to a song on Spotify (visualization)

To check if our song already has the lyrics on Spotify, we will press the microphone icon at the bottom right of the computer app or web service. In this way, we can view the lyrics of the song. Complete or phrase by phrase if synchronized.

With the cell phone or mobile phone we can access it through the lower tab when entering the canvas or animated video of the song (click on the title).

Without further ado, I hope this and other tutorials on our blog help you on how to promote your music on Spotifyand other streaming platforms. If so, you can subscribe to our mail list below to stay up to date with our news and offers on our music production services for composers and artists. Enjoy and don’t let the music stop!