IOS And IPadOS Shortcuts: How To Make Siri Talk To You Drunk

IOS and iPadOS Shortcuts: Since the arrival of the two new (divided) versions of the mobile operating system for iPhone and iPad we have been talking long and hard about their news and we have recommended all kinds of tricks of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 that allow you to take full advantage of all the potential of your terminal.

IOS and iPadOS Shortcuts: How to make Siri talk to you drunk

For example, we were talking about how to use the new iPadOS 13 floating keyboard , about a little trick to type faster on the keyboard or how to duplicate the same app with the multitasking of the operating system for iPad.

But not all tutorials are intended to help you improve your productivity, save time or be more efficient in what you do. There are other tutorials, like this one, that are uniquely and exclusively dedicated to making that beautiful smile you have. Today, we are going to get Siri drunk . As is, just as it is.

What is the Shortcuts application?

To simulate that Siri is drunk we will need to use the iOS 13 and / or iPadOS 13 Shortcuts application. This app allows users to execute actions or a series of actions automatically using Siri voice commands or with the press of a simple button .

It is an application that gives a lot of play and offers the possibility to customize multiple aspects of each shortcut. And with the arrival of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 , Apple has incorporated some very interesting news in this application, something we will talk about another time.

How to make Siri speak drunk

This shortcut is responsible for slowing Siri’s voice in a way that simulates that the virtual assistant is drunk. You can choose what you want it to say, and it is also fully compatible with iOS 12, iOS 13 and iPadOS 13.

There are two methods to install this shortcut on your device. You can create it yourself step by step, or you can simply choose the easy way to download it and install it on your iPhone and / or iPad from here:

Apple may not allow you to download third-party shortcuts. If an error message appears, you just have to access Settings> Shortcuts and enable the option “Allow unreliable shortcuts”. Don’t worry, this shortcut will not put your privacy at risk. Afterwards, you can always disable this option again.

Creating your shortcut from scratch …

The shortcut to “get drunk Siri” is very simple, in fact it only consists of two actions. And best of all, you can customize the text Siri will read at all times. Do we start

1. Open the Shortcuts application.

2. Create a new shortcut.

3. Press the “Add new action” button.

4. Add the “Text” action.

5. Type the text you want Siri to read when we pretend she is drunk. Keep in mind that you must write as correctly as possible, with question marks, commas, etc. (or not, sometimes the more chaotic, the better) in order to be as real as possible.

6. Press the “+” button to add another action.

7. Look for the “Read text with voice” action.

8. Tap on “Show more”.

9. Slow down and play a bit with the other parameters until you find the ideal tone for Siri. Remember that you can use both your male and female voice.

And it would be! Have you seen how easy?

Finally, you must select an icon and a name for your shortcut. This name will be used to invoke the shortcut using Siri voice commands. But unfortunately, it does not work when you ask the virtual assistant , so we recommend adding the shortcut to your widget on the Home Screen to access it more conveniently and quickly.