How To Launch An Advertising Campaign On Telegram

After having explained, in a previous article, what Telega is and how to sell or buy advertising space on Telegram, let’s finally see how to launch an advertising campaign thanks to this fantastic service.

Launch An Advertising Campaign On Telegram

For the uninitiated, is an advertising platform born in 2016, which allows anyone to launch effective advertising campaigns in a few seconds and in all simplicity, and this regardless of whether you have little experience or a limited budget.

To do this, you must first register on or log in with your account, if you obviously already have one. To register on Telega it is sufficient:

  • Connect to the Official Site.
  • Press the Sign Up button at the top right, enter an e-mail address and click on ” Create an Account “, to complete the registration.
  • Once done, simply confirm the email and log in with the credentials you just registered.

If of course you already have an account, just click on log in. Once logged in, click on  Services and select the ” Catalog of Telegram Channels ” option.

How To Launch An Advertising Campaign On Telegram | Choice Of Channel And Positioning Format

In this category,  there are all the Telegram channels that have decided to earn thanks to Telega, by selling their advertising space.

To find the one that best suits your advertising campaign, you can filter it by modifying the various parameters in the menu on the left. In this article I will select them at random, just to show you the procedure for launching an advertising campaign on Telegram.

Once you have identified the suitable channel or channels, you need to add it / s to the cart by clicking on the appropriate icon on the right.

Immediately after, you need to press the yellow button with the wording ” Add to cart ” to continue with the procedure.

Once added, the cart will be divided into 3 blocks:

  1. List of channels you have selected
  2. Channels recommended by the system
  3. Final report on channels and positioning.

As for the first block, by clicking on the “ Actions “ button, you can select the quantity and the positioning format. This action will be applied to all the channels you have chosen and present in the cart, and therefore not to the recommended ones.

You can also do it separately for each channel, by clicking on “1/24 ” to select the positioning format and on quantity to select instead how many times to publish a certain post in the same channel.

PLEASE NOTE:  The system does not allow you to launch advertising campaigns with the “repost” format together with other formats. If you want to purchase reposts in specific channels, you need to start a separate project.

If you’ve changed your mind and want to increase the number of channels for this advertising campaign, you can do it in two ways:

  • Click on the ” Add channels ” button and return to the main page with all the available channels or,
  • Add the channels recommended by the system.

The system also gives the possibility to share the entire cart with other people. To do this, simply click on the share button in the top menu and in the next screen, copy and share the link with anyone you want.
Now, you just have to launch the advertising campaign on Telegram by clicking on the continue button.

How To Pay For The Advertising Campaign On Telegram Or Top Up Your Account

If you don’t have enough money in your account, the system allows you to top up it, by card, with Paypal, Cryptocurrency, electronic wallets or by bank transfer.

Select The Type Of Project Suitable For The Advertising Campaign

In this phase, depending on the objectives of your advertising campaign, you can choose the appropriate scenario, selecting one of the 3 projects:

  1. One post for all channels: This scenario is suitable if you intend to post the same text, image and link for all channels.
  2. One post and unique links: This scenario is suitable, if you intend to enter the same text, but with different unique links, across all channels.
  3. Different posts and unique links: This scenario is suitable if you plan to publish different posts for each channel.

PLEASE NOTE:  If obviously your advertising campaign involves the publication of your post on a single channel, the system will automatically select the first project. Having said that, let’s see these three types of projects together.

1. One Post For All Channels

If you intend to publish the same post for all channels, the system gives you the possibility to select both the day and the time of publication, univocally. All you have to do is create a post, add a link and attach an image.

But anyway, once you have selected the type of project, click on the continue button to customize the advertising campaign.

In the following screen, you can attach an image by clicking on the yellow button that says: ” Upload “, insert a text, formatting it according to your needs and insert a link to any word, by clicking on the chain icon or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + K. In both cases, to apply the link, click on Save.

On the right you can preview the post before publishing it.

On the same page, you can specify the desired day and time of publication. If your intent is to publish the advertising campaign on Telegram, as soon as possible, it is necessary to uncheck the item ” Publication date “.

Optionally, you can specify a unique posting date and time for each channel. To do this, simply click on the blue button marked “ Customize ” next to the channel and specify the desired publication date and time in that channel.

2. A Unique Post And Link

If your intent is to publish a post with the same text but you want to use different links for each channel, so that you can, for example, monitor the effectiveness of the channels you have relied on or redirect the audience to different projects, then it is recommended to choose this type of project.

Here too, as in the first one, it is necessary to attach an image, insert a text and obviously a link. Once done, scroll down and click on Customize to customize the link and make it unique for each channel.

At the first channel I decided to associate the link of my website to the item ” More information “.

On the second channel, on the other hand, I decided to associate the link of my Telegram Channel to the item ” More information “.

In this way, I am bringing traffic to both the Website and my Telegram Channel. This is certainly an excellent strategy if you want to grow organically and constantly. Either way, the unique links fit perfectly into context.

PLEASE NOTE: It seems quite obvious to me that if you choose this type of project and you intend to sponsor a website that talks about cooking, for example, it doesn’t seem appropriate to me to insert a page that talks about Sport as a second link. I think it’s simple as a project.

As for the date and time of publication, you are free to customize it according to your needs. I remind you that by removing the check from ” Publication date “, the post will be published as soon as possible.

3. Different Posts And Unique Links

If your intent is to publish different posts for each channel, then this is the best solution.

Here too, as well as in the first two, it will be necessary to attach an image, insert a text and a link. You need to click on the “ New Template ” button to create the new post to be published on the other channel. To save the project, click on the Save button.
In this case, I’m going to publish two unique posts, on two different pages.

The first post presents a brief description of my site and will advise users to visit it.

The second post, on the other hand, presents a brief description of my Telegram Group and invites users to be part of it, so that they can ask for assistance, advice, guides and discuss any technological topic with the whole community, as well as with myself.

Once done, scroll down and associate one of the posts you just created with the channels you chose earlier. To change other settings it is necessary, as always, to click on the Customize button.

How To Definitively Start The Advertising Campaign On Telegram

Once done, you just have to press the Run Project button to launch the advertising campaign on Telegram. Logically, it is necessary to wait for confirmation from the channel administrator which will take place within a maximum of 24 hours.