List Of Best 3DS Games You Should Play

Whether you’ve bought a new 3DS console or owned one for a while, it never hurts to expand your game library. But with so many titles available on the market, how do you choose? So we have provided for this purpose a list of the best 3ds games for your pocket 3DS console.

List of best 3DS Games You Should Play

Best 3DS Games You Should Play

There are many games available on our list, but not all games will appeal to everyone. However, you can try all the games available on our list. So without further discussion, let’s get straight to the point. Here is the list of the best 3ds games you should be playing on your 3DS console.

1. Super Mario Bros 2

Super Mario is one of the best 3DS games since the early 1980s. The main objective is always the same: just go through the levels passing the obstacles and killing the enemies. Depending on the obstacle, you have to kill it or just jump on it.

On the way to the levels, you will have a lot of coins and special boxes in which you will find special powers that will allow the player to grow or throw fireballs. In short, it can be said that this is the best Nintendo 3ds game available on various platforms.

2. Ever Oasis

Ever Oasis is an adventure game in which you have to create a flourishing oasis by carrying out missions in the desert. Additionally, players can form a group of three members and fight with enemies in a real-time combat mode. On the path of adventure, you will discover different villages in which you will have to discover the hidden mystery.

Members of other villages who are also involved in the game can help you discover new villages and explore materials. In short, Ever Oasis is one of the best Nintendo 3ds games developed and published by Nintendo 3DS for the 3DS game console.

3. Mario Golf

Mario Golf is a sports game developed by Camelot software and published by Nintendo for 3DS game consoles. In this game you can play with a variety of characters available in this game such as Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, etc. In addition, new characters available in this game have been specially designed by Camelot limited software.

In addition, there are a variety of game modes, including ring shot, mini golf, speed golf, etc. In short, it is one of the best 3D games that is easy to play and simple in appearance.

4. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is a role-playing game developed by the company Pokemon and distributed by Nintendo 3DS. Basically, in this game you have to go to new places and meet the seventh generation Pokémon.

Now, the game also has the new dark dimension for players to explore new legendary Pokémon to catch and a new hard to deal with. There are three modes available in this game that allow players to surf, capture images and travel. In short, this is another best Nintendo 3ds game that you should try today!

5. Monster Hunter Generations

Monster Hunter Generations is an action-adventure game developed and distributed by Capcom for Nintendo 3DS. In this game, players assume the role of hunter and must kill various dangerous creatures. The hunter’s abilities are determined by the protection or armor he wears.

Different types of weapons are available in this game, such as hammers, bows, guns, etc. Each weapon has its own set of abilities and moves that can be used in a field. In short, this is one of the best Nintendo 3ds games you should have on your 3DS game console.


That’s all! Above are the best 3ds games you should try today on your Nintendo 3ds game console. I hope this article has helped you find the best 3ds game that you will love.