How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown in Windows 10,8,7

Do you routinely turn off or shutdown the laptop after using it? Some users often forget to turn off their laptop or computer after using it.

In fact, to keep taking care of the laptop you need to turn it off when it’s not in use so that the components don’t work in vain. To overcome this negligence, you can schedule an automatic shutdown in Windows using the following methods.

How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown in Windows 10,8,7

When finished working on a laptop, often users feel tired and leave their laptop just like that. Though of course it is very easy to turn off the laptop before leaving it. If it turns out that your laptop still has a running program, then you can create an automatic shutdown timer.

Making an auto shutdown timer is effective if you only do it a few times, but it is impossible to make it every day. If you want your laptop or computer to shut down every day or at a certain period, then please schedule an automatic shutdown.

This schedule will later make your laptop turn off automatically every time it is time. Thus the laptop can also rest on its own when you are not using it.

How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown in Windows

Even though the automatic sleep feature is available in Windows if there is no activity for a certain time, it is still less effective. Laptop or computer that is in a sleep state still keeps some components working, so it doesn’t rest completely.

Just imagine if every day you don’t use your laptop from midnight to morning and the laptop continues to turn on without use. This of course can reduce the life of the laptop components and make it break down faster.

So, to keep your laptop or desktop PC durable and not easily damaged, you should shut down periodically. If you feel lazy to turn off manually every day, you can schedule automatic shutdown.

For example, you always stop using your laptop every 10 at night every day, then you can schedule an automatic shutdown at around 11 pm. Thus the laptop will automatically turn off every 11 at night according to the time you set.

The creation of this automatic shutdown task is also very easy and requires no special software. You can use the default Windows program, which of course is already available on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10, namely the Task Scheduler.

How to Create Automatic Shutdown Task in Windows?

To make an automatic shutdown schedule in Windows, please follow the steps below.

  • The first step is to open the Task Scheduler program on the laptop or Windows computer that you are using.
  • You can do this by clicking the Start button and then searching with the keyword “task scheduler”.
  • After the search results appear, please click the Task Scheduler application to open it.
  • In the Task Scheduler window, please click the Action menu then click Create Basic Task to create a new task.
  • After the Create Basic Task Wizard window opens, please fill in the Name section with the name of the task (for example “automatic shutdown”) then click Next.
  • In the next window, please select when the shutdown schedule will run, whether every day, every week, or every month.
  • If you want to turn off the laptop automatically every day, then please click the Daily option.
  • After selecting the time, please click Next to continue.

Furthermore, you can set at what time the laptop will shut down automatically. Please change the clock according to the time you will rest and no longer use the laptop or computer.

  • When finished, please click Next to go to the next stage.
  • In the next window, please click the Start a program option because the task you will create is to run the shutdown command.
  • After that, click Next to proceed to the next step.
  • After that, enter the code shutdown in the Program/script section. You also need to enter additional code /sin the Add arguments section.
  • You need to add the / s method because it will do Shutdown, not Restart (/ r), Log Off (/ l), or Hibernate (/ h). After that, click Next to go to the next stage.
  • Finally, a confirmation window will appear, if everything is in order then just click Finish to close it.

After that, you can close the Task Scheduler window because the automatic shutdown schedule creation has been completed. With the completion of the schedule creation, the laptop or computer will shutdown automatically every time you enter the time that you have set.

Removes Automatic Shutdown Schedule in Windows

After scheduling an automatic shutdown in Windows, you can also delete or cancel the schedule at any time. So, if you no longer need to make your laptop or computer automatically shut down on a scheduled basis, then please delete the shutdown schedule that you previously created.

To delete and cancel the automatic shutdown schedule is also very easy. How do I delete the Windows automatic shutdown schedule? please follow the steps below.

  • Please reopen the Task Scheduler application on the laptop or Windows computer that you are using.
  • Once open, please click Task Scheduler Library to see all available schedules.
  • After that, in the table in the middle, please scroll to the bahwah.
  • Please look for the “automatic shutdown” task or whatever it is called when you schedule the automatic shutdown.
  • If you have found it, then please click on the shutdown task that you will delete.
  • After that, click Delete to remove it from the Windows task list.
  • In the confirmation window that appears, please click Yes to continue deleting it.

After that, the automatic shutdown schedule will be deleted, which means that your laptop or computer will no longer automatically shut down on a scheduled basis.

That’s an easy way to schedule an automatic shutdown on a Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7 laptop. Please do this method if you are lazy to turn off the laptop every time you stop using it. Thus the laptop or computer will turn itself off when you are resting.