Social Plus Review | These Tips For Growing Your Instagram Account

A few years ago, it was relatively easy to make it on Instagram. All you had to do is post at the right time, leverage hashtags and be featured on bigger accounts. However, following the algorithm’s update, that is no longer the case.

Tips For Growing Your Instagram Account

Social Plus Review | These Tips For Growing Your Instagram Account

Today, there’s no holy grail in succeeding on Instagram. However, we know that positing high-quality content that inspires your audience on a regular basis is one of the better strategies.

To help you with your marketing campaign on this popular platform, here are several things to bear in mind when attempting to boost your engagement.

(i) Plan Your Content

To boost engagement and stay relative on Instagram, you need to come up with interesting content ideas on a regular basis. This can be a bit overwhelming and that’s why you need to set aside some time to brainstorm.

For inspiration, go through your IG or Pinterest profile and note down the primary themes of posts you have in mind. You do not need to have a killer idea. Jot down a bunch of ideas that come to mind and pick those that seem more interesting.

It also helps to note down any upcoming holidays or events that you can create content around.

(ii) Track Your Analytics

What use is putting hours into making content if you forget about it the moment it’s up on Instagram? Tracking your content’s performance is vital to the success of your campaign. It’s important to know what your audience likes, as if they are not engaging, growing your channel will be next to impossible.

Take advantage of Instagram’s Insights to see which posts have performed well, and let them guide you in creating the next content. If you have posted a clip that has attracted more views and engagement than your photos, it goes without saying that video is an avenue you should explore further.

(iii) Prepare Your Posts Beforehand

It is not as easy as simply launching Instagram and positing a random photo or clip whenever you have the mood. Calendars are vital and allow you to schedule upcoming posts a few days or even weeks in advance.

It will show you how everything is likely to appear on your feed and you can ensure timely content will go out amid the evergreen posts.

Posting on a regular basis is key here. You need to post at least four times a week and so, take advantage of a tool such as Hootsuite, Later, or Buffer to sort out your content calendar and your life will become much easier.

(iv) Make High-Quality Content

Instagram is one of the biggest visual platforms out there and there’s just so much to compete with, in your niche alone. As such, to succeed, you need to stand out.

SocialPlus can help you achieve a greater following on Instagram. Take the time to ensure you are posting the highest-quality photos and videos possible.

Ascertain you have interesting angles or poses, good lighting and varied content so that your account does not seem to be the same. You do not need to invest in fancy equipment to achieve this. A smartphone with a good camera will suffice.

(v) Diversify Your Content

You can only post so many #outfitoftheday photos and selfies before the content gets old. Take a look at the most successful Instagram creators and influencers- they post different types of content and often experiment to see what internet marketing works best.

With an online tool such as Canva, you can create informative slideshows or quote cards that your audience can share on their Instagram stories.

Also, do not hesitate to experiment with IGTV and Reels, instead of sticking to static photo posts. As earlier mentioned, being creative helps you stand out, which results in more engagement and ultimately, success.

(vi) Post on a Regular Basis

In this platform, you need to stay at the top of your followers feeds and minds and the only way to achieve that is by being consistent.

With over 500 million people using Stories on a daily basis, it can be an excellent way to maximize your potential. If you’re unable to post on a regular basis, let your audience know ahead of time.

You can tell them where you have been and what you’ve been up to. This kind of communication and transparency goes a long way in retaining a loyal audience.