Top 5 Discord Alternatives For Gamers

Discord Alternatives: Chat applications with voice search features are widely used all over the world by both players and professionals. Because chat applications with voice calls help facilitate the workflow by allowing all team members to communicate in real-time. Launched in 2015, Discord is particularly popular on the computer platform.

Top 5 Discord Alternatives for Gamers

However, if you do not want to use Discord for any reason, there are various alternatives you can use in the market. In this article, we have compiled the 5 best Discord alternatives for players.

Top 5 Discord Alternatives Players Can Use

This post contains the top 5 Discord alternatives for players. Here are the top 5 Discord alternatives for players!

1. Teamspeak 3

Teamspeak 3 is a successful Discord alternative. TeamSpeak 3 uses opus codec technology for low latency voice communication TeamSpeak 3 allows users to create custom servers for their needs. Users can join these servers to communicate with each other about a common topic.

TeamSpeak 3 uses AES encryption technology to keep users’ conversations private. This technology ensures that all your conversations are protected from prying eyes.

Unlike Discord, TeamSpeak 3 does not include browser support, so you need to download the TeamSpeak 3 client to use it on your device. TeamSpeak 3 is available for free on various platforms, but you need to pay a certain fee to set up a new server.

Download TeamSpeak3

2. Mumble

The successful Discord alternative Mumble is an open-source VoIP platform designed for low latency voice calling. Mumble without browser support, just like Teamspeak 3, you need to download the Mumble client to use it on your device.

Free to use, Mumble does not have DDOS protection. Compared to Discord, Mumble’s sound quality is pretty good. Mumble is available on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

Download Mumble

3. Overtone

Overtone is a successful Discord alternative that is easy to use. Very popular, Overtone is very easy to install and use. Free to use, Overtone supports text messages, voice chat, and group chats.

Overtone also has several social features to help you connect with people of similar interests and discover teams playing the same game. You can use Overtone on the browser just like Discord. So you do not need to download a separate client to communicate.

Download Overtone

4. Steam Chat

Steam Chat, Valve’s messaging and voice chat application, is a very successful alternative for players who do not want to use Discord. You can communicate with your friends via text and voice chat via Steam Chat, which is free to use.

With chat support, Steam Chat allows group administrators to set roles for members. Group administrators can grant various permissions, such as assigning other members, managing group information, and setting chat restrictions.

Download Steam Chat

5. RaidCall

RaidCall is another great free in-game VoIP application available on both PC and mobile devices. With support for group chat, RaidCall supports up to 100,000 users in a group.

RaidCall offers a number of features such as voice recording, surveys, announcements, noise reduction, and even allow users to share links and files. Free to use, Raidcall is available on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms.

Download RaidCall

These are 5 Discord Alternatives for Gamers. If you feel any issue, comment us in the comment box.