How To Find Out Who Viewed My Instagram Profile

There is no direct way to know who viewed my Instagram profile. However, there are a few tips to get an idea. We will explain all the possible solutions in this article.

While there are many apps that promise to unravel this mystery, beware! Many of them are false and simply present a list of people with whom you have recently interacted. Some of these applications require payment or registration and may even steal your information.

How to Find Out Who Viewed my Instagram Profile

We confirm, there is no way to know directly who viewed your profile on Instagram. However, there are ways to get an idea.

Recent subscribers

Check the last people who started following you. This can give you an idea of ​​the number of new visitors to your profile.

I like

Take a look at who recently liked or commented on your post. This engagement is certainly an indication that a user has seen your profile. The higher the engagement, the more likely the user has visited your profile.


In your Instagram account statistics, you can see indicative data of who viewed your profile. The exact names of visitors do not appear, but information such as city, country, average age and gender is available. This can provide you with substantial clues.


Luckily, Instagram lets you check who saw your stories. This list is available for 24 hours, but if you are careful, you can see all the people who have viewed each of your stories. To do this, go to your stories and swipe up.

A list will appear, indicating the identity of each visitor (even if they are not your subscribers). The more stories you post, the more you can know who is viewing your profile:

What if you have already installed an app to track visitors to Instagram?

As we mentioned before, these apps don’t work. Some of them include: Who saw my profile, InstaAgent, Qmiran, Kazuy, SocialView, InstaCare, and Who Viewed Me on Instagram, among others.
If you have already installed one of them, we recommend that you take certain precautions, since most of these applications aim to access your personal data.

To protect yourself, the first thing to do is to uninstall them all. Then open the Instagram app or go to the official website.

  • From the application, access your profile and open the menu located in the upper right corner. Tap Settings and go to the Security section, then Apps and websites.
  • From the official site, go to your profile and click on the Settings icon, then choose Apps and websites.

With this setting, you can deny access to all applications that have already been associated with your account.

Thereafter, you will be protected against information theft by these applications. However, always keep an eye out when giving permissions to access your personal data.

If you want to protect yourself from unwanted visitors, you can always set your Instagram account to private instead of public, which only allows your subscribers to see your messages.