Technology plays an increasingly significant role in our lives. Over the years, there have been continuous upgrades in this area – more than ever before. According to stats at the Census Bureau, approximately 15% of the United States residents owned a computer. Today, the number has climbed up to 80%.
A Big Role Technology in Everyday Life
Offices are becoming more modern by implementing new technologies andby doing this, employees can succeed at their jobs more easily. At the same time, homes are becoming easier to maintain by setting up new in-house technologies, which offer people more free time.
Video conferencing, e-mailing, laptops, and tablets are just some of the tools that we can use to ease up communication. Now let’s take a more in depth look at how technology influences every corner of our lives.
1. Communication
The first *and most important* area in which technology has had animpact is communication. Chatting with people outside of your comfort-zone circle is now possible by clicking on a profile or visiting a friend’s webpage.
We can now make new connections via the Internet without too much effort – and those connections can result in beautiful relationships.
Communication doesn’t require as much time and patience as it did before; technology changed that. Hitting your friend up on Facetime or Facebook is easier than ever. We don’t have to wait for meetings to happen in order to deliver important messages.
We can now Skype of send an easy text on WhatsApp. E-mail has also helped us communicate in the work setting, making everything easier than expected.
2. Home entertainment
Due to the rapid growth of the Internet, we now own LCDs and iPads that meet our entertainment needs. We can watch Netflix, movies on Amazon Prime, and listen to endless audiobooks on Audible.
We can also play our favorite music on Spotify or Apple Music and jam! Xboxes are also popular in demand and a fun way to spend the afternoon. More recently, there have been even better *and more sophisticated* home devices that we can place in our homes to make our lives easier, such as Alexa or Nest.
3. Education
Computers and (most recently) AI have completely transformed education. Books have turned into computer screens, digital copies, laptops, and flash drives.
The new online system of education is having a beneficial impact upon kids, offering everyone a new opportunity to learn and become successful. Today, lectures and videos of presentations can be uploaded online and watched later, cutting off the precedent inconvenience.
For example, Eduzaurus is a great example of technology implementation in our lives. It features essays for students from all over the world who are, of course, proficient in English. Access to all types of resources has become easier.
Today, all you have to do in order to access the info you need is hit ‘Search’ on Google. The rest will unfold – and isn’t it convenient that Google is open 24/7?
4. Health
Technology has greatly impacted the healthcare industry. There are more and more advancements that take in the health field including locums tenens options for surgeons, and thus, more and more ideas that allow doctors to save lives.
Researchers are making use of these technologies by finding the right cures at the right time – lifesaving treatments are now available for everyone. Chronic conditions that would have once threatened the patient can be dealt with today.
Some vaccines have proved effective in the short-term in preventing us from catching deathly viruses. Technology and medicine *or as I call it, techno-medicine* has saved the life of thousands of people by now.
5. Productivity
Productivity has increased since technology has become part of our lives. Computers are able to solve problems that us, humans, can’t, or would have a harder time to (such as complex algebraical equations, for example).
Today, computer modeling allows technicians to propose business models and come up with various plans to prevent poor performance. There are also many productivity tracking devices available, which helps employers understand their workers’ rate of efficiency.
This could be quite informative in the office, especially within a team, whereboth collaboration and common effort are important keys to success. Speeding up tasks but staying effective in the workplace has become the new motto.
6. Traveling
Modern technology allows for quicker traveling. Since technology has become an important part of our lives, our trips our easier to plan, accommodation is easier to book, hosts are easier to contact, and friends and family are easier to contact.
Technology can also offer you a more personalized traveling experience through blogs, various apps such as Couchsurfing, and services.
Advances in technology have modified the way we think and behave, but most importantly, they have eased up everything in our lives, from education to traveling.
Today, you can connect virtually with almost anyone, and learn whatever you want from any proficient website. On top of that, your productivity will skyrocket, and your traveling plans will fasten. Okay – now keep calm and love technology.
Author Bio
Vendy Adams is a freelance, vlogger, and musician. Having started four years ago, Vendy has used traveling as a means of financial support. His vlog has impressed many students around the globe. In his free time, Vendy plays guitar and composes classical music.