After a long-awaited wait, hacker Pwn20wnd has incorporated the full-fledged A12 (X) device into the uncooer jailbreak tool that he released for public testing in the form of unc0ver v3.7.0 beta 1 .

Uncover Jailbreak Supports A12 (X) devices running iOS 12.0-12.4
The new beta was made available to the public Sunday afternoon after a series of Tweets shared by Pwn20wnd himself with some of his internal beta testers:
Sammy Guichelaar (or better known as @samg_is_a_ninja), one of the internal beta testers, shared screenshots of the safe mode running on an A12 (X) phone running iOS 12.4, adding that stability has has been excellent and the exploits used work reliably:
In case there is still confusion, uncover would have at least partly supported the A12 (X) handsets, but it has never installed Cydia nor supported any form of tuning injection. With today’s publication, however, this has changed.
Quote official changelog, unc0ver v3.7.0 beta 1 makes the following changes to the table for jailbreakers:
22/09/2019 – v3.7.0 ~ b1 has been released for public beta testing with the following changes:
– Full support for A12-A12X with Cydia and system-wide injection
Since Saurik failed to install the Cydia substrate on A12 (X) devices several months ago, this release uses a custom fork of Substitute to support change injection. Cydia Substrate aside, this jailbreak still installs the default Cydia package manager, allowing all jailbreakers to search the repositories for their favorite jailbreak changes to install.
Sunday’s update of the jailbreak tool uncover gives it a leg up on Chimera by the Electra team, which has always supported A12 (X) devices, but only those using iOS 12.0-12.1 .2 . The jailbreak inc0ver, on the other hand, now fully supports A12 (X) devices running iOS 12.0-12.4 .
For those who do not know, the following devices work AppleThe A12 (X) system on a chip:
- iPhone XR
- iPhone XS
- iPhone XS Max
- iPad mini (2019)
- iPad Air (2019)
- IPad Pro 11 inch (2018)
- 9 inch iPad Pro (2019)
As always, you can download the latest version of the uncover jailbreak from the official website or from the official Pwn20wnd GitHub repository . You can also take advantage of our step-by-step tutorial if you need help to jailbreak your device with uncover.
Are you happy to see that the now complete uncoove jailbreak supports iOS 12.0-12.4 on A12 (X) handsets?