How To Add Music Bot On Discord

Add Music Bot on Discord: Discord is a free application that provides Text, Video, Image and Audio Voice communication services between users. In Discord itself has many pretty cool features, one of which is BOT Music which can play songs on your discord chat channel.

How to Add Music Bot on Discord
How to Add Music Bot on Discord

Maybe you’ve met it on several chat channels and wondered how to add music on discord to make it cooler? Take it easy, you will find the answer in this article.

Discord was first launched on May 13, 2015 which turned out to be quite a lot of enthusiasts from this application. The reason is that with Discord, people can improve communication and social relations between other gamers in the world.

The most satisfying feature on discord is BOT which is able to do work automatically. The discord’s BOT itself varies, and one of the most popular is the Discord BOT.
By adding Discord Music BOT on your chat channel, server members will not get bored quickly because Discord Music BOT will play songs and can be listened to by all server members.

How to Play Songs on Discord

The way BOT works on discord is very easy to use. So, you certainly will not have difficulty to follow how to add music on Discord in this article.

Discord for Android phones and PCs is not much different in appearance and function. So, the tutorial on how to play music on the following discord can be used on Discord for your Android mobile or PC on your computer.

This article will explain in full from how to add a music bot to the discord server. And then continue to how to play songs on your server discord.

Before going to how to add music on discord, what you need to pay attention to is that you must have Administrator rights or Manage Server permission to be able to add Music BOT to Discord Permission Server.

How to Add Music Bot on Discord

  1. Open website. Then clickInvite Rythmon the right menu.
  2. Log in to the Discord account if not already logged in, thenselectyourserver.
  3. Then click theAuthorize button.
  4. Finally, complete theCaptchathat appears, and you have successfully added a music bot to your discord server.

How to play Music Discord Rythm Bot

  1. Open the Discord application and then enter the Voice Channel that is on your Discord Server.
  2. Just enter the command! Play Song title / Singerto activate Bot Rythm to play music. For example,Play Martin Garrix Together
  3. If you want to be accompanied by song lyrics, use the command! Lyrics Song title / singer. For example,!Martin Garrix Together lyrics
  4. If you want to stop music from Bot Rythm, use the command! Disconnector! Dc

Very easy isn’t it how to add music bot on discord using BOT Rythm? Well, it turns out that Rythm Bot itself has other features besides commands to play songs, lyrics and stop songs. Here below is the complete function of Bot Rythm.

Complete Rythm Bot Functions in Discord

playPlays a song with the given name or url.
disconnectDisconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in.
npShows what song the bot is currently playing.
aliasesList aliases command.
pingCheck the bot’s response time to Discord.
skipSkips the currently playing song.
seekSeeks to a certain point in the current track.
soundcloudSoundcloud Searches for a song
removeRemoves a certain entry from the queue.
loopqueueLoops the whole queue.
searchYouTube Searches for results of a URL.
statsShows the stats of the bot.
the loopLoop the currently playing song.
donateInfo about donating to support Rythm!
shardChecks the shard you are on.
joinSummons the bot to your voice channel.
lyricsGets the lyrics of the current playing song
infoInfo about Rythm!
resumePaused music resume.
settingsChange Rythm’s settings.
moveMoves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position
forwardForwards by a certain amount in the current track.
skiptoSkips to a certain position in the queue.
clearClears the queue.
replaysReset the progress of the current song
cleanDeletes the bot’s messages and commands.
pausePauses the currently playing track.
removedupesRemoves duplicate songs from the queue.
volumeCheck or change the current volume.
rewindRewinds by a certain amount in the current track.
playtopLike the play command, but queues from the top.
playskipAdds a song to the top of the queue then skips to it.
shuffleShuffles the queue.
queueView the queue. To view different pages, type the command with the specified page number after it (queue 2).
leavecleanupRemoves absent user’s songs from the Queue.

Make sure you give the sign!at the beginning of the command words that you will give in Bot Rythm. In addition to the Rythm Bot, there are still a number of other Discord Music Bots that you can use. Please read the Best Discord Music Bot to find out.

That’s the full article about how to add music bot on Discord and play songs from Bot Rythm on your Discord server. Hopefully useful and good luck!

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