New SIM Very Mobile? Here’s how to set up APN and the Internet on Android and iPhone. Complete and updated guide to configure APN Very Mobile.APN Very Mobile | How to Configure on iPhone and Android.

APN Very Mobile
As we have seen in recent days, the newVery Mobile virtual operator has finally landed.
If you don’t know whoVery Mobile is, I recommend you read our article, where we talked about thefirst (and currently the only) rate of Very Mobilefor Italian users and where we also tried to answer users’ questions about this new operator. telephone just landed in our country.
Below, however, we will try to help all those who have purchased anew Very Mobile SIMand who now need toconfigure it on Android and iPhone to surf the internet.
If you are also a new user of this operator andyou cannot configure APN Very Mobileon yoursmartphone,or you need directions and information to activate tethering on your new SIM, you are in the right place!
Generally this happens automatically,thanks to the operator, as soon as the SIM is inserted into the smartphone, but if for some reason this does not happen you do not have to fear because we will help you.
In fact, below you will find all the information and information necessary to correctly configure Android and iPhone in order to make them work without any problem with thenew Very Mobile SIM.
Having said that, I would say not to get lost in chatter and take action. Here are the simple steps you need to follow toactivate the internet connection on your Very Mobile SIM.
Configure APN Very Mobile on Android
NOTE:it makes no difference if you have asmartphonebranded Huawei, Samsung, Honor, Xiaomi, LG, Sony, HTC, ASUS, Motorola, Lenovo, Nokia, Meizu, OnePlus, BQ or Google becausethe procedure to follow for configuring the Very Mobile’s Internet APN is always the same.
Just remember that the items of the settings described may vary in the name from the smartphone, but the basic guide always remains the same.
- open the systemsettings
- click on the itemMobile networks
- click on the entryNames of access points
- click on the ”+”buttonwith the New APN item
- underName,typeVery Mobile
- in theAPNtype entry enter thedefaultvalue
- click onSave APNand exit Settings
How to configure Very Mobile hotspot / tethering
This guide will allow you touse your smartphone as a hotspot,as if it were a real portable router, to share the data connection with other devices.
- Open theSettingsSystem
- Click on the itemMobile networks
- Click on the entryNames of access points
- Click on the“+”buttonwith the New APN item
- Under Name, enterVery Mobile
- Under APN
- Click onSave APNand exit the Settings
Configure APN Very Mobile on iPhone
- Go toSettings
- Select theMobileentry
- Select theCellular data networkitem
- In theAPNfield
- Leavetheusername and passwordfields empty
- Applythe changes by clicking on the back button
We are done with thisAPN Very Mobile configuration guide. In case ofdoubts, questionsandcomments,write to us at the end of the article and we will reply as soon as possible.