If you want to know how to download Cydia Impactor on Windows or Mac and you also want to install Cydia Impactor on Windows or Mac, then you have come to the right place to get one of the most popular side loading applications which load IPA files for iDevices devices on Windows or Mac.

Hello, my friends, in this article, you undoubtedly know that, How to Download and Use Cydia Impactor for the IPA file installed on your iPhone / iPad. Cydia Impactor is nothing more than a side application installation tool for IOS devices.
It was created by the same creators from the Cydia store. So, with the help of your desktop PC, you can easily install Latest Tweaks on your non-jailbreak iDevice.
Normally, Android device users use Apk files to install third-party applications on their Android devices, similarly, Apple device users use IPA files to install third-party applications on their iDevices. But there should be the need for a third party that loads the IPA files aside to install these files on iOS devices.
In this type of situation, Cydia Impactor intervenes to load the IPA files on Windows or Mac. Learn more about how to Download and Use Cydia Impactor on Windows or Mac to load IPA files in parallel.
What is Cydia Impactor?
Cydia Impactor is a cross-platform graphics tool application available for Windows, Mac and Linux, this means that it provides an interface between the computer and your iDevice. At the time of impact, it will ask for your Apple ID for signing the application, and it will not use your personal information for any other purpose.
The impactor Mainly used for the installation of the latest settings and games on iPhone / iPad, which are in the form of IPA for iOS devices and Apk files in Android devices.
We know that the official Apple store does not offer any latest free adjustments, so iPhone / iPad users can mainly depend on other third party application stores like vShare, Apps4impacter and Apps4iphone, etc.
Because these stores offer the latest free IPA file settings. But the main problem is that the IPA files cannot be installed directly on your iDevice. This can only be opened in the original Xcode CDK, so the Cydia impactor bundle fully uses for installing the application on your device.
About Cydia Impactor:
- Name: Impactor.exe
- Version: 0.9.52
- File size: 18.60 MB
- Latest version: June 4, 2019
- Supported operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux
- License: Freeware
- Developer: Jay Freeman
Requirements for Downloading Cydia Impactor:
- In the case of No Internet Access, you can Download Cydia Impactor and modify the IPA file, so take a better Wi-Fi or cellular Internet connection.
- No jailbreak is required to install the IPA file.
- IPhone / iPad / Android devices.
- Desktop PC / Mac.
- Latest IPA Tweak file.
Download Cydia Impactor.exe on Windows or Mac:
Non-jailbroken iPhone / iPad users are familiar with the Cydia impactor because they can install the latest Tweaks on their devices using this impactor tool. Without paying money at the Apple Store. Start the impact procedure with simple downloads, these are a Cydia impactor and an IPA tweak file. Before entering the steps, first download Cydia Impactor Download on Windows or Mac.
DownloadCydia Impactor for Windows
DownloadCydia Impactor for Mac
Downloadfrom Cydia Impactor for Linux 32 bit
Downloadfrom Cydia Impactor for Linux 64 bit
Use the link above to Download Cydia Impactor to different devices such as Windows, Mac, Linux 32 and 64 bit. Before moving on to the installation process, let me tell you some cool features on the app. After installing this application on your Windows or Mac, you may encounter a provision.cpp: 168 error on your iOS 10 or iOS 9.
Characteristics of the Cydia impactor:
- Install the latest settings and games on your non-jailbreak iDevice at no cost.
- No jailbreak is required to install the IPA file.
- The installation process is very simple and hygienic.
- It is a multiplatform application available for Windows / Mac / Linux.
- Sideload IPA files to install third-party applications and games.
- You can install apps and games ++.
- Download and install modified apps and games.
- You can install paid apps and games for free.
Install Cydia Impactor on Windows PC / laptop or Mac:
Step 1) First, “ Download Cydia Impactor” on your Windows or Mac depending on your device from the link above.
Step 2) Now select the last interested tweak or emulator and download it as an “IPA file”.
Step 3) After that, “Install and run the Cydia impactor” on your Windows or Mac.
Step 4) When you try to install Cydia Impactor, you will get a pop-up window like Impactor wants to export “access” from your keychain. Just click ”Allow“.
Step 5) Now, “Connect your iPhone / iPad to your Windows”, check it. But in case it is not properly connected, simply remove and reconnect the device again.
How to create an Apple ID:
- First, open the phone “Settings” >> then go to “iTunes and Apple Store” >> Press the “Create a new Apple ID“.
- Now enter details about yourself in the requirements section.
- First enter your first and last name.
- Enter your email address and password.
- Select the security questions and enter the answers.
- Once this procedure is completed, your account is created.
How to use the Cydia impactor on Windows / Mac:
Step 1) Open the Cydia impactor and select the IPA file which will already be downloaded.
Step 2) “Drag and drop the IPA file on Impactor”, it now asks for your iTunes iTunes ID and password.
Step 3) Type in your “Apple ID and password”, in case you are not interested in providing, create a fake Apple ID from the steps below.
Step 4) Cydia uses your “Apple ID” for digital signage purposes, not for other purposes.
Step 5) Once you have entered the Apple ID on it, the impactor starts the application signing process after installation on your device.
Step 6) After the full installation, you should trust the untested pp developer option.
How to root any Android device with Cydia Impactor:
- First, download Cydia Impactor on your Windows or Mac from the links above.
- Now unlock your Android device and go to settings
- In the settings, go to theDevelopers> USB Debuggingoption .
- Now activate the USB debugging mode on your Android devices.
- Connect your Android device or Android tablet to your Windows PC / laptop using a USB cable.
- In fact, Cydia Impactor automatically installs the SuperSU binary on your Android device.
- After installing the SuperSU binary on your Android devices, disconnect your Android device from the Windows PC / laptop and restart it.
- Now open Google PlayStore on your Android device and install the SuperSU app on your Android devices.
- After installing the SuperSU app on the Android mobile, it will be rooted
Well, I think these steps are enough to learn ”How to use Cydia Impactor on Windows or Mac” to load iOS applications. Simply download the IPA files directly to Windows or Mac and drag and drop them to Cydia Impactor to load them laterally.