As many Microsoft Edge Chromium users know, when a user wants to print a web page, the user can use the combination key (CTRL + P) and then the Print Dialog will appear.
How to Enable System Print Dialog on Microsoft Edge Chromium
However, what if you prefer asystem dialogthat looks more classic? Well, regarding that, on this occasion We will summarize the quick steps to change theprint dialogabove to a more classicsystem print dialogon Microsoft Edge Chromium. Here are the steps.
Step 1.Please download thefollowing Regedit file.
Step2.Please extract the file, there you will be given two different registry files, one for thesystem print dialog,and one forthe default print dialogfrom Microsoft Edge Chromium.
Step 3.Now to change it to asystem print dialog,we just need to merge the file ”Use_system_print_dialog_in_Microsoft_Edge“.
Now when it’s finished, please restart your Microsoft Edge, and please reopen theprint dialogpage (CTRL + P), so it should now look like the following image.
So even though there is no difference in terms of function, for those of you who prefer a classic style, the steps above are worth trying.
How to Restore To Default View
If you want to return to the default view, in step 3, you can simply merge the file “Use_default_print_dialog_in_Microsoft_Edge”. Then the results will return to the default position.
So please try guys, hopefully it’s useful.