It must be recognized that antivirus programs for computers are more complete, whether you use Windows Defender or any other, but you can always resort to online antivirus.
Free Online Antivirus | Best Alternatives to Detect and Clean Your Computer from Infected Files
Although they have lower performance because they do not scan all the files on your computer, they are effective indetecting specific suspicious files.
Most of this type of antivirusdoes not require any type of installation, so it is more effective if you do not want to download anything on your PC.
As for the operation, it is quite simple, they allow you to enter the URL or upload a file to scan and identify whether or not it contains malware.
Advantages and disadvantages of online antivirus
These applications will help you have anextra layer of securitywhen browsing and downloading programs on the Internet. In addition, it will allow you to have some advantages against the malware that you may find:
- Update:Being applications hosted in a browser, they always offer the latest versions presented by the developers.
- Availability:You don’t have to install anything on your computer to use them. Just go to the url of the antivirus to use it from any computer, but some may ask for a download.
- Different results:Due to its online characteristic, they carry out their scans with different antivirus, which gives access to several analyzes on the same file.
- Free:There are a variety of these antimalware applications available.
However, it must be rememberedthat they are not infallibleor functional for all data protection needs during navigation:
- Lesser features:You will not be able to perform a complete scan of your computer with them.
- Temporary protection:Once you enter the link, you will be able to verify whether or not there is malware in the file or URL that you load in the antivirus. Once this scan is complete, it will offer you no further protection.
- Limitation of use: Itonly works for scanning, so it will not isolate the malicious file in a vault.
No download
Although there is a widevariety of free online antivirusthat you can use, not all of them are reliable, so you should be careful when using them. Avoid any failure in the detection of malware that may leak your personal data to Internet users with bad intentions with any of these antivirus that you can use:
Based on a cloud analysis system, this is one of the best antivirus that you can find on the Internet. It works in a simple way, justupload the file or paste the URL, IP or domainyou want to examine. You should perform the scan before opening the document or entering the URL for added security.
Receive updates in real time to offer better cybersecurity guarantees thanks toreceiving the latest signatures against malware. You do not have to download any type of program to use it so it is more accessible.
Safety Detectives
In contrast to the previous one, this one is available in Spanish, so using it will be easier for you. Its interface is also more intuitive to use, since when you enter the URL, the device scan will begin and itwill tell you if it detects any vulnerability.
Something that makes this antivirus attractive and versatile is that it not only tells you if it detects any vulnerability in your system, but itwill also tell you how to fix it.
It also offers you other tools: virus comparer, password meter and vulnerability scanner in WordPress which can be useful for developers.
Only available in English and Chinese, it is one of the most complete antivirus for browsers that you can find. Its operation in the cloud allows you toanalyze IP, domains, files, Hash and CVE.Just upload the file or paste the URL and then click “Process” to start the analysis.
Once the analysis is completed, you will be able to view thediagnoses of more than 30 different antivirus programs,along with some interesting statistics about the document or URL that you have just analyzed to have more details about the format.
If a programmer needs to know in detailwhat is the malicious element in the file, IP or URL that you analyze. Kaspersky will allow you to do this with its cloud antivirus, which you can access for free, although it should be noted that it is only in English and Polish.
Another disadvantage that you could find is that to analyze links on a websiteyou must register.However, if you are a web developer, this may be a small thing because you will accurately locate the malware or spyware.
Dr Web
This is theeasiest-to-usebrowser antiviruson the list. Once you enter the official page for scanning, you just have to upload the file or paste the URL and click “Scan”. Once completed, it will tell you if the file is clean or infected.
With discharge
Not all antivirus of this type work from a browser. If you want to use some of them, you will have todownload a program or executable,which is worth noting, it is lighter than complete antimalware software.
Once you download them, you can run them to detect any threat on your computer. They may take a few minutes to set up, but they don’t install anything on your device.
It stands out because it is available in Spanish to facilitate its use. If you want to use it, you will have to download a 10MB executable that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Once you’ve done that, clicking on it willstart to scan your entire computerfor any malware and then remove it.
As it is not a complete antivirus, it willnot interfere with any other antimalware programthat you have installed on your computer.
Its interface is simple and intuitive, in addition, it offers some plans for partners or companies, although they are only available in English.
Norton Power Eraser
Traditional antiviruses do not have the last word, so having Norton is an option to detect malicious files that escape the first defense barrier.
You just have to download the executable, click on the icon and accept the conditions. Once you have done it, you just have to click on“Analyze for risks”.
This online antivirus is a little more complete than the previous one due to its features, but in general, it complies with all the characteristics. Once the analysis has been carried out, itproceeds to eliminate all the threats it has detected.
Trend Micro
Finally, this is a more powerful online antivirus fordetecting malware on your computer.Like the ones on this list, you have to download an executable, click on it to start the configuration and then you can start the scan of your entire computer.
This antiviruswill not conflictwith another that you have installed on your device, so it is a viable option. In addition, its interface is easy to use to perform the scan, which, it should be noted, will be complete when you see the results.