Google Dialogflow: We could break up a Google tool every day and surely we would not repeat in a very long time. Best of all is the ability of the Californian giant to succeed with most of them, since the balance between successes and failures is very uneven towards the former.

Google Dialogflow: how to create a chatbot with this tool
It may have more or less scope, be more or less specific, but the usefulness of almost all is beyond doubt. In these lines, we are going to show you another one, Google Dialogflow.
It is a chatbots creation tool that is able to understand natural language thanks to the infrastructure with which it has been designed.
Google bought it in 2016 and since then it has boosted it to the point that it is available in 14 languages, is compatible with many tools, from Google Home to smartphones and even cars, and is capable of recreating conversations from which You can also create dialogues to interact fluidly.
So far, everything is relatively simple because it is an application aimed at a very specific objective with which most people with a taste for new technologies are relatively familiar. It is possible, of course, that you have not tried it yet or that you use some that is competition because you do not know how to handle it;
Therefore, we will show you how to create a chatbot with Dialogflow. We are not going to focus on the most technical and purely computer part, but rather try to explain in a simple way the steps to follow so that any average user can learn to do it.
And if Dialogflow has something good, it is the ability to create chatbots in a relatively simple way. If one wants to complicate them, the tool itself offers infrastructure to do it without any problem, but the basic work is easy to carry out.
How Google Dialogflow works
Not too many steps or, above all, too many clicks are necessary to create a chatbot with Google Dialogflow . Once registered, something that does not present complications as a Google tool, especially if you handle with Gmail, you will have a main menu available from which you can work. First, create a new agent -new bot-, choose language and give it to create. Now, you will be ready to start operating.
Through the aforementioned main menu, you can define different parameters of your chatbot as the keywords or the definition of synonyms, but you can also choose the interface in which you want to integrate it.
The screen is distributed in three different parts. On the right, you can simply try the chatbox that you are configuring, while on the left is the space in which all those parameters that you must define and that will be displayed in the central part of the screen once selected to the left. The most important is the so-called ‘intents’, a term that is translated by intentions.
It is difficult to explain and quite cumbersome to detail each of the functions that can be customized and also depends a lot on what you want to design it for. If you know how bots work well, in this specialized blog, a concrete example is explained very well, step by step.
And if on the contrary you are a newbie in this field, you have many quality issues in the network that explain from the beginning what they are and how they work, such as this article .
The possibilities of chatbots
Obviously, as we have previously warned, being so simple to start working with Dialogflow, one of the features that Google looks for with most of its tools, the limitation is also a reality, hence you can develop other more complex chatbots if you you want with the infrastructure that Google puts at your service.
For example, you can develop it in Node.js language code , which allows you to take the possibilities offered by this application to the limit, taking advantage of the intercommunication that Google has developed among all its ‘toys’.
That is, if you build it in this way, in addition to defining all the basic parameters , you can indicate that you perform actions with tools such as Google Calendar, among many others, and you even have the possibility of integrating with applications from outside Google.
On the other hand, we have the possibility to develop our chatbot with code in Node.js language. With this variant we have the possibility of exploiting to the maximum the capacities that the tool offers us.
Specifically, in addition to being able to incorporate all the features explained above, we have within our reach to get our agent to carry out actions, either with other Google tools, such as Google Calendar, Gmail, BigQuery or with third-party applications so , for example, that the chatbox be bidirectional; that is, that the client or user can also respond to what the chatbox transmits, previously designed by you, obviously.
Also, thanks to the integration with tools that allow you to store relevant information such as Firebase Database, your chatbox will be multidisciplinary,