Learning at home or remotely from anywhere can be very effective, the main thing is self-organization. Simple tips can help you cope with a lot of work and even learn to enjoy your classes.

How to Focus On Studying: 7 Easy Steps
1. Before you start classes, protect yourself from everything that will distract you.
First of all – your cell phone, even if it’s on vibrate, even if you’re only going to answer a text message. The phone should be put away and taken out only during the breaks, about which later.
You should also create a zone of silence and calmness around yourself, if you work at home – hang a Stop sign on the door of your room and warn your family, if you live in a dorm or your family can’t be persuaded – to study in the library reading room, where no one knows you.
Any unplanned social interruption will take you out of your mind and disrupt the order of memorization you’ve been building for so long.
2. You should not be distracted by physiological needs, either.
During classes, you will certainly be thirsty, because intensive mental activity makes you thirsty. Take care of your favorite drink in advance, be it water, juice, tea, or coffee (which you should also have a supply of water with you).
Avoid energy drinks and alcohol if your goal is exercise. Snacks should also be prepared in advance: protein food, simple and nutritious, such as a sandwich.
And avoid eating only sweets, leave a chocolate bar as a dessert – then your mood and digestion will be fine. Comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, a comfortable temperature in the room – all this is also very important.
3. Choose the right time.
Everyone knows whether he is a night owl or a lark, so for distance learning online, you can choose the best hour for classes yourself: either early in the morning or late in the evening. It’s better to concentrate and study effectively for an hour than to struggle with fatigue and pretend to be a frantic activity for several hours.
4. During sessions, if they last longer than an hour, take planned breaks: after every 45 minutes switch to something else for 15-20 minutes.
The best thing during this time is to walk, move around, you can get some positive emotions from communication with friends (that’s where the phone will help), watch a short video, have a snack. It is not worth distracting yourself for more than 20 minutes, because you can forget about the main goal.
5. Speaking of purpose.
Answer the questions that are bothering you internally and distracting you from your classes. Here they are, knocking on your brain: “How will I pass the exam? Will I call or won’t I call? Will I get in or not? What profession will I have? How much will I make? How will I be better than everyone else?”
These questions need to be answered, otherwise, your brain will keep coming back to them. You can even write them down on paper or limit yourself to verbal answers, the main thing is that they should be logical, not emotional.
For example: “How will I pass the exam?” – “If I learn this material and this one, I’ll pass it well, it’s up to me.” “Will he call or won’t he call?” – “For now, I’ll study and turn my phone off, and then I’ll look at the calls and find out for sure. At any rate, no one is interested in losers, which means the exam comes first.”
6. Get rid of any internal negativity related to studying.
Trace your thoughts about it, for example, “I hate math” should be replaced by “I understand that I have to pass math, and I can cope with it. Instead of “It’s too hard for me,” you should say, “Yes, it’s hard, but I’m good and I can do it.”
A favorite obstacle we cherish and cherish is, “I can’t exercise because…” – followed by this or that excuse: it’s noisy, my favorite pen is lost, there are no textbooks, I’m out of coffee… Instead, it is worth saying to yourself and others, “Yes, I wish I had different conditions for studying, but for now it is not, I will study anyway.” By the way, use cpm hw help.
7. Search for help
There are times when all the conditions are met, all the homework is tiptoeing around, the best write my essay online services are ready to help you prepare for the exam, your favorite pen is at the ready, notebooks and books are spread around… but perseverance is lacking.
All the time you want to run and jump, but the time is passing, the exam is getting closer, what to do? First, realize that you belong to the kinesthetic type, that the need for movement is as important for you as eating and sleeping, you just need to use it correctly in your studies. Try these techniques:
- When you read the material – underline, outline, make tables. The combination of movement with mental activity will help to memorize the material, to systematize it better.
- Listening to a lecture and starting to doze off without movement? Squeeze an expansion band or stretch a rubber band. Of course, you can’t do it in class or the library, but you can do it with online lectures.
- While you learn a question, sit still and concentrate, and when you repeat or answer it – you can jump or play with a ball in the wall. You’ll be surprised, but you’ll remember a lot more.
Of course, these are not all useful tips, but the most important ones that will help you prepare for any exam and cope with any amount of material. Next, we will continue to publish recommendations for online learning and self-study.