ILIAD is the new telephone operator arrived in Italy after the union of Wind and Tre.The launch offer with 30GB and unlimited minutes / sms for just € 5.99 has attracted many users, but how to configure and activate all the services as soon as the sim arrives?

Let’s start by saying that the Iliad official website isIliad.itand it will be possible to take advantage of the new offer only to the first million users. You can either buy a new SIM or make your own number portability and therefore also the remaining credit you have on the SIM.
Currentlythere is no Iliad app either on Appstore or on the Google Playstore,but it is possible toderiveit this way:
- Open Google Chrome and go to
- Click on the Chrome options menu and click onadd to home screen
- Then click onaddand you will find the app as an icon on the screen
- Open Safari and go to
- Click on the share symbol (in the middle at the bottom of the screen
- Scroll down the icons to the right and then clickadd to homeand you will find the app on the screen
Now let’s see what to do when the SIM arrives at home …
After opening the letter, we have a sheet with information and the SIM at the bottom (separable as a SIM, micro-SIM and nano-SIM).
At the bottom left of the sheet we find theserial numberof the SIM that must beinserted on the site, in your personal area, after a few seconds the SIM will beimmediately activewith the promotion. while for theportabilityof your number you will have to wait from 24 to 48 hours (sometimes 72H).
APN / Internet configuration
Once the SIM is inserted, if active, it will ask you for the PIN which by default is 1234, then it will be necessary to configure the APNs.
On Android:
If you have Android 6 or higher you just need to downloadthis application, open it and wait 1/2 minutes to configure everything and then it will ask you to restart the device. Upon restarting the APN and the internet will be configured and ready for use!
If you have a version less than 6 then you will have to configure it manually as explained on the back of the sheet that arrives at home.
On Iphoneyou will have to follow the instructions on the back of the Iliad sheet that arrives with the SIM.
Options to activate
On the Iliad website, in your personal area, you can activate the options available on your SIM. We speak for example of 4G, block numbers against payment, answering machine, etc …
I advise you to activate 4G (active by default) and block payment numbers:
- Click on the3horizontallinesat the top left and then onmy options
Other services available are, for example, the blocking of hidden numbers (anonymous), blocking calls with forwarding and more:
The option to manage the answering machine and to listen to the messages that are left to us is also available in the menu on the left.