WhatsApp launched a new feature, namely stickers, many people are still confused about how to make stickers on WhatsApp so they can be used. What’s unique about this new WhatsApp feature is that you can see the stickers you made appear in the chat column.
How to Make Stickers on the Latest WhatsApp for FREE!!
You can make your own stickers from any photo you like. This is certainly interesting so that WhatsApp users have their own personal stickers of their own creation. The sticker will also be unique because you own it.
With homemade stickers, chatting on WhatsApp can be more memorable. Because usually it doesn’t feel right if you chat without stickers accompanying your chat, there are even some who like to use emojis and even GIF images. Through this personal sticker pack, you are free to express your creativity in making stickers.
How to make stickers on WhatsApp is quite easy, you don’t need to install a lot of applications or need special skills to make them. The manufacturing process is fun and exciting. Want to know how? Come on, follow the steps below.
How to Make Stickers on WhatsApp with Personal Sticker for WhatsApp
- Prepare 3 photos with interesting expressions that you will make into WhatsApp stickers
- Install the applications:Personal Sticker for WhatsApp,Background Eraser, and PiscArt
If you have prepared it, let’s start making the stickers straight away!
- Open the Background Eraser application
- Select Load a Photo, and select the photo you want to edit
- Cropping a new image is an easier process and takes less time to delete. If so, press Done.
- Remove photo background withmanualormagic option. To do this, swipe your finger over the part you want to delete.
- When finished, press Done, then Save
- If you want the stickers to be more interesting, then openPicsArt
- Enter a photo whose background has disappeared and enter text by pressing(+)
- Select the Text option, write the desired words
- If so, select Save or Save
- OpenPersonal Sticker for WhatsApp, where the sticker is already there
- Press Add to add the created sticker
- Finished
Next, just open WhatsApp and look at the sticker section. Photos of stickers that have been created are immediately available and can be sent directly to your chat column.
How to Make Stickers on WhatsApp with Sticker Maker
If the method above is how to make stickers on WhatsApp, you have to download 3 applications, then this time there is a second method that you can try. The second way is to use 1 application, namelySticker Maker.
- Download and openSticker Maker
- Then press Create a New Stickerpack
- Fill inthe name of the stickerpackandthe name of the author
- A menu will appear with the name you entered earlier
- Open the menu to create a sticker
- Two options will appear, namely take from the camera or take a photo that is already in the gallery
- Select the photo that will be used as a sticker, then delete the background by rubbing your finger over the part to be deleted.
- When finished, press Yes, Save My Sticker
- Repeat the above process with at least 3 stickers. If so, press the Publish Sticker Pack button
- A notification will appear, select Yes, Publish. Then press Add
- Open the WhatsApp application and look at the sticker section
- If successful, the sticker will automatically appear on WhatsApp
Those are two tutorials that you can apply on how to make stickers on your own WhatsApp. You can use photos with funny, strange and interesting expressions to create your sticker results later. You can directly use stickers to send messages to your friends, parents, partner and chat groups.
Just click on the sticker section and look for the sticker that has been created. Then, just click on the sticker that we want to send and the sticker will be sent.
Of the two methods above, which is your favorite regarding how to make stickers on WhatsApp? The steps are very easy, right? Now, you can have limited edition WhatsApp stickers, aka limited and unique, with this feature, where only you will have this sticker.
If you want to be more unique, you can use selfie photos of you or your closest friends to send stickers to each other.