Very often in movies and TV series lovers roam the net looking for the right site internet where you can both watch streaming episodes just come on TV or even movies currently in theaters, which make downloading these to be able to then see in offline mode.

Openloadis one of these sites, where in fact numerous users share links related to all fashion films and TV shows online, making them available on forums and blogs to the rest of the world.
Now let’s find outhow to download videos, films and TV series from Openload for free and safelyboth through your browser and through a software manager called JDownloader.
Warning:tuttoteK and the author of this article assume no responsibility for the use of the sites in this guide, which is for informational purposes only. We emphasize that downloading copyrighted content is illegal:piracy is a crime.
How to download videos from Openload: guide for downloading movies and TV series
TheOpenloadwebsite was born in the past as a virtual platform to give all users the ability to upload and share personal videos with the rest of the world, but for some time now it has been increasingly becoming an illegal tool for sharing of films and TV series, especially for those who look forward to episodes that have just aired on television in their countries of origin.
We therefore try to analyze in detailhow to download videos from Openloadin a few simple steps to be able to watch films and TV series at any time and especially offline.
How to download videos from Openload on PC
There are different methods related to how to download videos from Openload: it is in fact possible to use your ownweb browser, but some completely freesoftwareare also available on the net , such asJDownloader, which can undoubtedly help in the speed of downloading movies and TV series.
Via browser
As mentioned above, let’s first see how to download videos from Openload from your PC completely free of charge using yourbrowser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox:
Once you open the page of the media file you were looking for, you can click in top left on “Download”, present under the file name, in order to open a new page where you only need to press the“Free Download” button, located in the center of the screen. In doing so, your web browser will start downloading the video you were looking for.
Once you download this extension, follow the steps below:
- Open the video of your choice on the Openload web page;
- Press the Play button to start playback;
- Pause after about 5 seconds, but not sooner because the Video DownloadHelper extension must be able to detect the running movie;
- Start downloading the video from Openload through the Video DownloadHelper app: click on the icon with the three colored dots located at the top right of your browser, more precisely next to the address search bar, then select the black circular button with all inside the white arrow down (the classic download symbol) and specify where you want to save the file on your PC. Once confirmed, all you have to do is wait for the download to complete and you can finally see your movie whenever you want.
With JDownloader
Of course you are not obliged to use your web browser to download videos from Openload, but you can very well resort to afree softwarecalledJDownloader.
If you prefer to follow this path, clickhereto connect to the page to download the program available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Once you have chosen the appropriate package for your PC, download it and in the case ofWindowsstart the.exefilewith a double click of the mouse, then click on“Yes”in the user account control window.
Now, in the new screen you need to click on“Ok”and“Next”, repeating this operation until the installation is complete. Finally, press on“Skip”and then on“Finish”.
Warning:in the case ofmacOS, download the.dmgfilefrom the JDownloader web page, then always open it with a double click of the mouse and then press“Ok”and“Next”to install correctly. At the end of the procedure select“Ok”and“Finish”.
Once JDownloader is installed, you need to understand how to download videos from Openload: first start the file playback mode on Openload, thencopy the URL of the web pageand paste it in the appropriate area of JDownloaderlocated on the screen that you can view by selecting“File / Analyze text with links ”. At this point you just have to click on“Play”at the top left of the program and wait until the file is completely transferred.
Warning:when you copy a link while the JDownloader software is running, it is usually automatically pasted into the program. However, it is always better to check for yourself, which is why we recommend you to perform every operation described in this guide.
In addition, some Openload URLs are not compatible with the program, which therefore may not be able to download the desired videos and multimedia files.
How to download videos from Openload on Android
You can download videos from Openload on anyAndroiddevice such as smartphones and tablets: in this case we recommend that you first try the standard method viaweb browser, by selecting“Free Download”on Openload, but you can also download a free app calledAdvanced Download Manageravailable on the Play Store of your Android device.
After installing the application, open it and click on the“+”button located at the bottom right. Now,paste the linkrelating to the Openload page containing the desired file, selecting thefolder symbol(which means precisely Paste) and start the download by pressing“Start”.
If an error message appears, do not worry, because the app is detecting a web page, so click on theglobesymbol so that you can repeat the operations described above in order to download the video via browser.
How to download videos from Openload on iOS
Let’s now see how to download videos from Openload on devices withiOS. In this case it is not possible to download via the web, via“Free Download”, therefore it is necessary to use an app called“Amerigo File Manager”, available on the Store in a free version.
Once installed, open the application and select theglobe symbol, as here you will need to paste the URL corresponding to the Openload internet page. After that, click on“Go”and then on“Navigate”.
Now go back to the Openload page and select“Free Download”, then press“Download”, located at the bottom of the screen. The last step to be taken concerns the directory in which to save the file, which you can choose at your convenience, then click on“Finish”.
Have fun with your favorite movies!
This guide on how to download videos from Openload easily and for free ends here. For any doubtswe are available through the comments box below.
In addition, we advise you to take a look at the guide on how to download videos from YouTube , to be able to watch them at any time, especially in offline mode.