In a perfect world, the internet is a safe and useful place. You run to it for everything you need—may it be weather forecast, bank transactions, entertainment, work, or schooling. You’re a happy user who never feels threatened or vulnerable to any kind of attack. This is how the internet is supposed to be.

5 Ways To Protect Your Family From Cybersecurity Threats
Unfortunately, though, you don’t live in a perfect world. As you rely on the internet for almost everything, there’s also the imminent presence of cybersecurity threats that could lead to several alarming situations for both you and your family.
And while you can’t control how other people use or access the world wide web, there are practices you can do to keep your household safe from misinformation, scam artists, and cyber attackers.
Staying Protected Against Cybersecurity Threats
Protecting your privacy has never been more important in today’s vulnerable cyberspace. From mobile devices to web browsing, security and privacy can easily be exposed to online dangers and you won’t even know it. The best thing to do is to constantly come up with ways to protect you and your family from these threats.
Read on so you can find out more about how you can safeguard your family against these possible cybersecurity threats.
1. Talk To Your Children Regarding Internet Safety
Perhaps, the most vulnerable members of your family who could easily fall prey to these threats are the children. For them, the internet is quite a wonderful place to play games, watch cartoons and movies, or talk to their friends. They’re not aware of online predators who are just waiting for an opportunity to attack.
As their parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure they’re aware of the risks and dangers that could happen whenever they go online.
Talk to your children and educate them regarding the consequences of their actions when using the internet. Teach them not to overshare information, especially the kind that’d make your security vulnerable to cyber attackers.
2. Limit What You Share On Social Media
Imagine this: if you’re going away for the weekend, you won’t likely announce that to a stranger who happens to pass by the street or crosses the pedestrian with you. In this same regard, you should also be mindful of what you’re sharing on your social media accounts.
Whether it’s as simple as where you had your breakfast or something as confidential as what school your child goes to, carefully weigh in first if sharing them online is the right thing to do. Most private information should just remain private for your family’s safety.

3. Use Stronger Passwords
Using an easy-to-guess password will make your accounts and information vulnerable to cyber threats. Some people also prefer to use one password for all their accounts, which isn’t safe at all.
Varying your passwords could greatly help in ensuring that even if a hacker or online scammer was able to access one of your accounts, you reduce the risk of them accessing everything else.
What you can do is create passwords that aren’t in any way related to you or your family. Avoid using birth dates or names of your family members.
Consider using a password manager that’ll generate a combination of letters and numbers to be your password. The software will also store every password you create and for which account they’re intended.
4. Always Turn On Security And Privacy Settings
This is something that most people tend to ignore or forget. When signing up for social media platforms, make sure you check the security and privacy settings for your account. Most platforms are set to public by default, and it’s up to you to change the setting if you want to.
It’s best to always go for maximum security when accessing or using any social networking sites. You can also make use of the two-factor authentication, so you’ll be notified in case someone tries to access your account without permission.
You can use Privileged Access Management (PAM) which is the combination of tools and technology used to secure, control and monitor access to an organization’s critical information and resources. A PAM solution can be deployed as on-premises software, SaaS or a hardware appliance
5. Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is common in public places such as malls, parks, and airports. While it may be tempting to use public Wi-Fi especially if it’s free, you should be mindful as those networks aren’t 100% secure.
Use your cellular service when outside and avoid connecting to public internet connections that may give way for hackers to connect to your device without you knowing it.
Think Before You Click
In this era where people tend to click on anything, it’s important to always think carefully first before falling victim to scams and other cybersecurity threats.
Safeguarding the online privacy of your family is paramount, and you can do that by educating your children about proper internet use.
Try not to overshare on social media and each time you use any of those platforms, check the privacy and security settings available, so you can change your setting when applicable. Use stronger passwords and avoid connecting to public internet connection whenever you’re out of the house.