How to Remove Advertising Ads on YouTube

If you have come this far to find outhow to remove YouTube ads, you should bear in mind thatadvertising on YouTube today is inevitable, although with an average duration of 13 seconds ads, sometimes it is tedious to wait to see our Favorite content, especially if it jumps in the middle of a playback.

How to Remove Advertising Ads on YouTube
How to Remove Advertising Ads on YouTube

How to Remove Advertising Ads on YouTube

There are several valid forms for both mobile phones and computers, and they can be achieved in a few seconds.

Remove YouTube ads on mobile

There are many apps on bothAndroidandiOSthat canavoid advertisingon your device:

  • Adblock: It can be used withSafariand also with Chrome, you just have to go to the link and choose the one that suits you best.
  • Adaway: A good free alternative to remove ads, although this one focuses more onsmartphonesand iPhones.

Remove YouTube ads from your computer

On both Windows and Mac there is a free alternative that isAdBlock Plus, which is valid for Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Safari and other browsers.

You just need to keep it activated while browsing YouTube in a normal way so that annoying ads do not miss you.

Remove YouTube ads with cookies

These small information packages are useful to surf the net more quickly, and in this case, with a few minor modifications, they will save us from seeing the advertising.

  1. The first step is to open thedeveloper console, this is done inCtrl + SHIFT + J(chrome),F12(IE / Edge),Ctrl + SHIFT + K(Mozilla).
  2. Once open, copy this codedocument.cookie = «VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE = oKckVSqvaGw; path = /; domain = “; window.location.reload ();
  3. Hitenterto save the changes.
  4. And if you want to put everything as it was before, copy this codedocument.cookie = «VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE =; path = /; domain = “; window.location.reload ();

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