Many of us run the same programs when we’re in front of a computer because they’re the ones we always use. If there are only a few, it’s not a problem, but when there are more, it can be annoying to have to start over and over every day.
Therefore, we will show you how you canrun multiple programs simultaneously with a single click of Windows 10. It’s very easy, you’ll see.

How to run multiple programs at once with Windows 10
In many cases, in order not to have to open one program after another, we decided not to turn off the computer completely, which means that we leave it in suspend mode.
The problem is that we are wasting electricity, so this is not a great long-term solution. That’s why it’s necessary to know how we can doall the programswe use tojump, all at once.
To perform this task, we will create a.bat filethat will be responsible for executing all applications, which we mark with a simple press. The most interesting thing is that we will havedirect accessto this file on our desktop, so it will be very useful and we can use it as soon as we turn on our computer.
We will see step by step how we can create it, you will see that it is much easier than it may seem at first glance.
Location of programs
Before we can create this file, we need to knowwhere each of the programs we want to runat the same time is. We need to find the path to the executable file for each of these applications so that we can incorporate this information into the file we are about to create.
To know the exact location of the executable files for each of these programs, we need to perform the following steps:
- We look for theApplicationiconon our desktop.
- As soon as we see it, we place the mouse pointer over it and press theright button.
- For all the options that came out, we need to click onReal Estate. We can also clickOpen File Location, which will cause Windows File Explorer to open in the path where the program’s executable file is located.
- Now, inside theShortcut tab, which is checked by default, we see thepath and file name that is used to run the program. Something we have to try to keep in mind because it will be necessary when we create our own file.
We have to do this with all the programs we want to open with a single click when we click on the file and the direct access we create. Anyway, if you forget any, it won’t be a serious problem to edit the file.
How to create our file
Once we have all the application data that will be part of our file, it’s time to create it. As you can see, it’s not complicated or tedious, because it’s much easier than you think.
- We opened Windows 10Notepad.We can start it from the Start menu or by clicking on the desktop by right-clicking and clicking onNewand then onDocument text.
- Once we have the text document open, it’s time to type@Echo offin the first line.
- Then we make the end of the page (press Enter) and write thecd «path of one of the applications».
- In the next line we writerun aplicacion.exe, where the application will be the name of the executable file of the program we want to open.
- Now we need torepeat these two commandsin the same way for each one of the programs that we want to include in our file.
- When we have them all, we write the wordoutputin the last line of Notepad.
Once we’re done, this is time we need to save the file and create one that we’ll use to open our favorite programs at the same time.
- ClickFileand thenSave As.
- Now we need to open the drop-down menu with Type (below) and selectAll Files.
- Next, we decide where to store it. Where it says Thenamewe have to give the one we want, if .bat follows.
- At this point, we will clickSaveand have our file.
If we created it on the desktop and leave it there, we only need to double-click and all the programs we selected when creating it will start.
If we have decided to put it in a folder on our hard drive, it will be really convenient for us to create ashortcutand place it on the desktop so that you always have it on hand when you turn on our device. We only need to take a few extremely simple steps.
- Rightclickon the file we created.
- We have now selected the optionto create a shortcut.
- Once created, just click on the shortcut using therightmousebuttonand selectReduce.
- Now go to the Windows desktop, again weright-click(in the area where there are no icons) and then clickPaste.
This way we already have direct access to our file, which will be very useful because once we turn on the computer, we will double click and all the programs we use the most and which we need whenever we face the computer will be executed. computer screen.
As you have seen, it is extremely easy to have a faculty that is extremely useful for our daily lives. In addition to being easy, it’s very fast, so there’s no doubt that we should all have it on our computer.
We can configure the file for weekdays and others for those days when we want to enjoy the free time provided by our computer. In any case, it is highly recommended.