Show File Extensions: Microsoft has learned a few things over the last few years and one of them is that it has always been a pain to see file extensions and hidden files in previous versions of Windows.
You had to go to Folder and Search Options and check a few boxes there. Then, when you were done, you had to go back and do it again.
Show File Extensions And Hidden Files in Windows 10
Fortunately, in Windows 10, Microsoft made it very easy to show file extensions and show hidden files.
This is how. Open Explorer in Windows 10 and navigate to the folder where you want to see the file extensions or hidden files.
By default, you’ll seeHomewhere you can perform common tasks on files and folders such as copying, pasting, moving, deleting, renaming, new folder, and more. Continue and click on theViewtab.
On the right side of the preview bar, you’ll seeShow HidePanel. Here you can just checkthe File Name Extensionsto seethe fileextensions.

You can also select a file or multiple files and clickHide Selected Itemsto hide the files and folders in Windows 10.
To see the hidden items, just check theHidden Objectsand see the hidden items. Note that showing hidden items through Explorer will not show hidden files on the operating system.
If you want to see all the hidden files, including the protected system files, you need to clickSettingsand clickChange folders and search options.
Then click on theviewand scroll down toHide protected operating system filesand uncheck the box. You will receive a warning stating that it may be dangerous to hide protected system files.
This is for him!Windows 10 makes it a little easier to access those features that many people use quite often. Enjoy!