6 Incredible Tips For Your IT Career

The areas of Science and Technology have never been so necessary for companies.

6 Incredible Tips for your IT Career

6 Incredible Tips for your IT Career

That’s right, and this phenomenon is happening because in the midst of Revolution 4.0, the companies that come out ahead and can differentiate themselves from the enormous competition are those that invest in technology professionals and innovation.

Which path to follow in the IT career?

The area of ​​Information Technology is very broad, therefore, this is the main question for those who are starting and for many who have been in this area for some time.

The popularization of technology, the ease and speed with which it evolves and is consumed by the population and companies has generated a dependence on technology and, when somehow it fails, crashes or fails to meet expectations, chaos ensues. Amidst the chaos the “IT Guy” emerges as the savior and problem solver.

The big question is that beginner professionals in the IT area don’t know what to do and veterans who got tired of their area or saw another promising market also often feel lost.

Unfortunately, all these questions do not have a simple and direct answer, but to help you direct your IT career in the best possible way. We will help you with six good tips to clear your mind:

1. Define your Goal

A good way to start defining your goal is by asking yourself: where do you see yourself in 5 years? It may even seem like a cliché, but this question will help you define your goals, which is always something positive. And for that, you need to reflect well on what you really want, not what you don’t want.

In addition, define goals in a measurable way, that is, in a way that you can measure how much you have already achieved this goal and that you can be sure that you have achieved it.

2. Learn English

There are tips that are worth their weight in gold, and if I could give you just one tip, it would be: LEARN ENGLISH. After all, speaking English will open the doors of the world and raise your knowledge worldwide. It is indisputable!

Learning English is the best thing you can do for your career. English will open your mind and increase the range of possibilities for your career. Study, LEARN ENGLISH CONSTANTLY!

3. Choose the right spatialization!

As we said at the beginning of the article, the IT market is extremely broad and there are several options for courses and specializations. When we talk about a course, we are referring to a more extensive, technical or undergraduate training and the options are as follows:

  • Information systems;
  • Computer Science;
  • Computer engineering.

But there are also specific courses of specialization that are:

  • Computer network;
  • Analysis and systems development;
  • Digital games;
  • Information security.

Whatever course you are going to invest time and money in, think carefully before you decide. And most importantly, dive headlong into these subjects, find out what attracts you the most, what you like.

4. Become an expert

This tip is essential, after all, the world is full of generalists, people who know a little about everything or may even know a lot about several subjects, but even so, you will never be better than a specialist.

The specialist will always take your vacancy, your business, your client, because he knows more than you, as he only does that he has more experience, he has already made more mistakes and knows things that many do not know.

So if you choose a certain area, keep your focus, study everything that exists, do work in the most diverse situations and environments on the subject.

Take a graduation focused on the subject, take the top courses, take certifications, make friends with the guys in the area, participate in groups, events, master the subject like no one else.

5. Get certified

The market is full of pseudo IT experts, therefore, it is necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff and certification is a good option, as it is proof of your knowledge. But be careful: don’t do certifications just to fill out your resume!

If the position you are looking for requires certification, it is because you need to have the knowledge and not just the certificate.

6. Get experience

Always look for new experiences, don’t stay in a comfort zone and even if you think you still have things to learn, leave. Work in such a way as to generate the best result for the company and for you and then look for new experiences.

If you have the opportunity to start in a big company, the experience is bigger and longer. There will be several branches, new projects all the time, year-on-year growth. But even so, after 3-5 years at a company, you might want to switch.

It’s good for you and good for the company to have new minds and new ideas.

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