If you have a PS4 and recently purchased a PS5, find out how easy it is to transfer your saved games and data from PS4 to PS5.
ThePlayStation 5launched in late 2020 and already has some big titles in its library likeMarvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Demon’s Souls, among others.
However, most of the games you can play on PS5 are PS4 titles. In addition, many of the players who purchased the PS5 owned (or still own) a PS4.

How to Transfer Saved Data From PS4 to PS5
For that reason, being able totransfersaveddata on PS4 to PS5 in a practical and simple way becomes a crucial feature for many players.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to transfer your data between the two consoles without having to do a lot of work.
Transferring saved games and data via Wi-Fi or cable from PS4 to PS5
A simple and quick way to transfer both your game files and your saved data from PS4 to PS5 is to use an Ethernet cable (usually the blue, gray or yellow) that comes with your internet router.
Simply connect a cable to the PS4 and PS5 outputs and connect the two wires to your router, thus forming a single network for your two consoles to share data. The advantage of this method is that you don’t need to download your digital games again on PS5.
It is also possible to use your Wi-Fi network to transfer data between consoles, needing to connect both PS4 and PS5 on the same Wi-Fi network.
However, this transfer method is much slower than that using the cables connecting the two consoles. What’s more, depending on your Internet connection speed, the data transfer process can take hours if you have a massive amount of data to move from one console to another.
As soon as you connect both consoles via cable or via Wi-Fi, turn on your PS4 and make sure you are using the latest version of PlayStationsoftware. To do this, open the menu and go toSystem> System SoftwareUpdateand chooseUpdate Now.
On your PS5, make sure you are connected to the console using the same PSN account as the PS4 and go toSettings> System> System Softwareand selectData Transfer.
From there, just follow the instructions on the screen to move all your data. You can select which game data files you want to move and any other apps you want to transfer.
The instructions for transferring data from PS4 to PS5 using a network cable or Wi-Fi are very simple and the PS5 system itself will guide the user through different screens, so stay tuned for messages displayed on the console to complete the procedure.
As soon as you are ready to transfer the data, the console will prompt you to press the PS4 on/off button, so both consoles must restart. Pay attention to the transfer time to perform this operation: it only applies to the game’s save files.
If you are transferring files, they will be in the background, with a window with the message “Transferring” appearing on PS4.
It is worth remembering that, while game data is transitioning from PS4 to PS5, you can still use both consoles without problems, as long as you do not try to access the games that are having their files transferred, of course.
It is also important to note that if you use an external hard drive on PS4, this process will not transfer the data saved on the external hard drive.
You can connect it without problems to the PS5, however, you will not be able to install any games on it, since the PS5 for now only allows games and applications to be installed directly on the console’s SSD.
Transferring your saved data via USB
If you have trouble transferring using cables or your Wi-Fi network, an alternative is to use aUSBstick. Turn on the PS4, connect thependrive (or external hard drive) to the console.
Go to Settings> Saved Data Application Management> Data saved to system storageand selectCopy to USB Storage Device. Now, just select the save files for the games you want to copy.
Once the copy is made, connect the thumb drive to the PS5 and go toSettings> Saved data and game/application settings> Saved data (PS4)> USB drive. Choose theCopy to console storageoption and select the save files for the games you want to transfer. Click theCopybutton and the transfer will take place!
Transferring your saved data to the cloud
If you are a PS Plus subscriber, Sony provides a cloud storage system for your files that is very useful when you need your data on different consoles.
Every PS Plus subscriber is entitled to100 GB of cloud storagefor their save data. In addition, you can enable automaticuploadingof your data to the cloud or do it automatically.
To transfer your saved cloud data to PS5, go toSettings> Saved data and game/application settings> Saved data (PS4)> Cloud storageand choose theDownload to console storage option. From this screen, you can choose what data from which games you want to bring to the PS5.
If you can’t find the data for any specific game, it may be that the data hasn’t gone to the cloud yet. So, go to your PS4, go toSettings> Saved Application Data Management> Data saved to console storage> Upload to Online Storage.
Now you can check which games are still missing to sync with the cloud and, once the sync is complete, you can go back to PS5 to download the data.
On PS5, you can now select which games you want to download the save data to in the console storage, being able to select only certain specific data or all that are available. Once the download is complete, you can start your games using the saved data that you downloaded from the cloud.
It is worth remembering that, in principle, all games should automatically recognize player data that has been downloaded from the cloud, but some games in particular, such as Watch Dogs Legion, require a player to use Ubisoft’s cloud service to transfer rescue data. between the PS4 version to the PS5 version.
Remember that if you suspend your PS Plus subscription, you will still have access to all of your data saved in the cloud until the moment the subscription ends. The only difference is that you will not be able toupload more, much less enable automaticuploadingto the cloud.