Best Voice Assistant: Google, Alexa and Siri have undergone the annual Loupventures test, where we see which of the three is the best assistant.

Best Voice assistants have increasing prominence in our digital life. Each time they understand us better and are able to understand our queries, but they are still far from perfect.
Who is the best assistant? In Loupventures they have made their annual competition to see which is the most advanced voice assistant in the market. In this year’s edition Cortana is left out, as Microsoft has changed the course of that assistant.
Google, Alexa or Siri, which one is the best Voice Assistant?
To determine which is the best voice assistant they have used a Google Pixel XL with Android 9 Pie for Google Assistant and an iPhone with iOS 12.4 for Siri and Alexa (through the iOS application).
To determine which assistant is better, in the test they have asked five categories of questions: local, shops, navigation, information and commands. In each category they have made a series of questions that the attendees should answer.
If we see the images, we find two scorecards. The first one refers to the percentage of responses to which the assistant has been able to respond favorably. The second score, the percentage of questions that the assistant has understood.
In global scores, Google Assistant has proven to be the assistant with the highest solvency, being the only one that has understood 100% of the queries, in addition to being the one with the highest percentage of them has left a solution.
If we break the competition to each of the different categories, we find absolute domination by Google in most categories, leaving the other competitors behind.
In the first three Google has proved to be clearly superior, while in Alexa information almost manages to tie with Google. The only point where Google has faltered has been in the command section, where Siri has stood out remarkably.