If you’re writing for work, pleasure, or education, the difficulties of putting pen to paper are numerous. Problems like finding the time and the right environment, getting the spelling and grammar spot-on are among a few of the existing ones. For an essay writer, the citations and bibliography can become a nightmare.

4 Writing Tips to Make Writing Easier
On the road to writing success, these hurdles are common. In this article, we’ll appraise several writing tips that endeavor to make your work easier.
1) Make a plan
Before you dive into writing, or after, if you’ve already furiously typed a few pages, sketch out your ideas on pen and paper. Is this a task that requires a particular structure, like an academic essay or dissertation?
If so, examine the materials your instructor provides and highlight the aspects of the mark scheme – if there is one available – that will help you to demonstrate your knowledge.
Other aspects of planning include reading and research. Planning your research might mean checking the availability of data or specific textbooks. Don’t get caught out and be left without vital resources.
2) Research like a pro
When looking for books, articles, and data to back up your writing, it’s vital to search efficiently and effectively. You’ve probably got some pre-existing ideas about where specific resources will be; this could be your respective national statistics office or something behind a paywall service like JSTOR or Elsevier.
If you’re not in an institution and don’t have the eye-watering sums required to access some of these journals, do not fret. Academia is opening up thanks to groups of people who wish knowledge could be free from its ivory tower.
On Reddit, there is a subreddit, r/scholar, on which users submit requests for papers and share ones they find interesting.
Other valuable stores of information, mostly on the cutting edge, include arXiv.org. This is a great place to shake up your conceptions of a topic and get some inspiring ideas.
Lastly, Google is probably the most generous friend to a writer doing research. Using commands like “filetype:pdf The Origin of Species,” you can get PDF versions of many books, articles, and texts.
In that last sentence, if you replace ‘the Origin of Species’ with your query, you will likely find some results. Also, note that you can change the format of the file you seek, for instance, .txt, .epub, etc.
One last service Google offers is Google Scholar and Google Books. While these tools often don’t have the full book or article, it’s useful if you want to skim some abstracts or chapters and see if it’s something worth pursuing. Research is one of many writing skills to master if you like to write novel and exciting content.
Non-institutionalized essay writer free research resources level the playing field and democratize the art of writing. Take advantage of them while you can; DMCA concerns are growing and may suddenly snap shut this window of opportunity.

3) Use the power of AI
Artificial intelligence is shaping the way we write at an astonishing rate. GPT-2 and GPT-3 can produce unnervingly human-like text. The power of neural networks and the vast corpus available to researchers has some spooky possibilities; misinformation, job losses, and even world domination.
OpenAI, who developed the AI, called the full-fat version ‘too dangerous to release’. While we’re still waiting for those futures to arrive, AI can help the everyday writer spot and correct their mistakes.
Grammarly is the market leader; it’s a free service with an additional premium plan. On the free service, you get a bit more than the standard Word or Google Docs spell-checker.
But with the premium plan, the AI kicks in; the software can re-write whole phrases, categorize your work according to the tone and color of your language – and then make suggestions if you want to sound more authoritative or friendlier.
4) Work as a team
If writing is your passion, then you may have friends who share in it with you. During the pandemic, we’ve become more distant from each other but brought closer through technology.
Start a writing group with some like-minded folks who want to improve their skills. It could be a short story group or something more professional.
Either way, you can get feedback and learn collectively by opening up your words to this intimate audience.
If you’re not looking for a reading and writing group, consider hiring an editor or proofreader. The internet can connect you with almost any freelancer you need; translators, editors, subject-matter experts, and copywriters. Look out on platforms like Upwork and PeoplePerHour for talented people you can use to your advantage.
These tips are not exhaustive, but they cover some of the wide bases. Planning, doing good research, not being a Luddite, and working as a group will boost your abilities.
Of course, the most important tip for improving your relationship to the written word is to write, so start getting those words down now.