During the pandemic, people were “forced” to learn and remain productive from home. Entering the New Normal era, people are also encouraged to adapt more quickly by using digital solutions.

7 Tips on Secure Digital Transactions in the New Normal Era
One of the technological advances in the form of digital wallet solutions continues to be developed so that people can easily and smoothly move through each non-cash transaction. There are at least two points from the progress of digital technology that can be used as a principle of life in the new normal.
First, meet the needs of life online.
With the increasing number of digital applications with increasingly integrated ecosystems, we can now meet a variety of life’s needs without having to physically mobilize. Starting from shopping for basic necessities, buying food, paying bills, to conducting health consultations.
Seconddo a cashless lifestyle.
The presence of a digital wallet that carries an open platform makes it easier for us to make non-cash transactions, as well as safe because there is no physical contact. Moreover, the use of digital wallets is now not only limited to shopping, but also to pay bills, transfer money and even to donate.
In this regard, the public can optimize the features in Dana’s digital wallet as a solution in every transaction to support productivity efficiently, not only in this pandemic but also in the future.
Here are some of the features of the Fund that can be used to support activities without having to physically mobilize during new normal times:
1. Save the Card (Card Binding)
For those who don’t want to be bothered with top-up matters or adding balances, you can take advantage of this feature. Simply by saving a credit card or debit card, the transaction can still be done even if the total balance of the Fund is zero rupiah. This is because a debit card or credit card can be chosen as a source of funding when making payments with Funds.
By having this feature, we also don’t have to bother going to look for an ATM machine to make transfers between accounts from a Debit Card. The value is more, the Fund waives the transfer fee up to 10 times.
2. Pay Bills
By using Dana’s digital wallet, we can pay various bills without having to come to the counter or go to an ATM. Ranging from electricity and water bills, gas, telephone, internet, to cable TV. Practical and do not have to follow the long queues in making payments or go to special outlets.
3. Shop from Home
Using Dana’s digital wallet, we can shop for a variety of needs, ranging from home appliances to digital baby clothes at Lazada and Bukalapak marketplaces.
In addition, there is also a Home Shopping feature, which will connect us with our favorite merchants by making WhatsApp instant orders.
Furthermore, consumers can directly order goods or food and beverage menus from merchants, and make payments using the QRIS Fund. The merchant will send the order directly to our address.
4. Pay for Parking
If you have to go to a mall, hotel, or office building, you can also use Dana to pay for parking. This will make us safer because we do not make physical contact when making transactions in cash or using an electronic money card.
5. Pay Vehicle Tax
With the e-Samsat feature embedded in the Fund application, we can also take care of the vehicle registration and pay vehicle tax without having to queue. Easy to do. First, download the SAMOLNAS application to get a pay code.
Then select Funds as the payment method when making vehicle tax payments. We can save time and do not have to linger waiting for calls in accordance with the queue.
6. Health Consultation
Pandemic has made some people think several times before going to the hospital. Another problem, when productivity is back to normal later, it could be that traffic to the hospital or clinic has returned to traffic.
In order to immediately get a doctor’s examination and obtain prescribed medicines, we can take advantage of the Telemedicine Fund feature. This feature makes it easy for us to connect directly to the YesDok application which provides telemedicine services.
We can do a health consultation with a doctor via video to make up for drugs. Don’t worry, our privacy and data are guaranteed security. We can ask for the consultation not to be recorded if it feels uncomfortable.
7. Business Funds
This is a feature designed to help MSMEs attract more customers and develop their business in the digital ecosystem. This feature will help businesses not only to present payment methods that are easy, safe, and convenient, but also to facilitate MSMEs in managing their finances.