It is a battle that will go in history along with the world wars: which mobile phones are better, Android or Apple? Of course, Apple aficionados favour Apple, while Android users praise their choice, but which would win in a face-off? Let us look at the pros and cons of each:

Android or Apple | Which Mobile Phones are Better?
Apple Pros and Cons
Bad Apples
Apple phones are not cheap. Even good quality second-hand older iPhones tend to cost as much, if not more than new middle-of-the-road Android phones, on average.
When you buy an apple phone, you are then tied to Apple products, when looking for replacement chargers and headphones. And Apple-branded headphones, chargers and other accessories tend to be quite expensive, like the phones themselves.
Apple has a slightly cynical habit of not quite including everything that they are working on, announcing with every new release that this phone has x, y and z, but the next phone will have an even better camera, faster charging or some other ‘must-have’ feature.
One annoying feature of Apple devices is that they do not allow for extra storage to be added. There is no SD or micro-SD card slot in any of their products, so customers must choose the largest possible storage on offer at point of purchase, perhaps spending more than they had hoped to in order to be able to download their images, songs, or even videos to their device.
Sweet Apples
Apple products have the same very high quality throughout their offering, with good looking, sturdy devices that are instantly recognisable. You know what you are getting with Apple.
Being able to store all one’s information and data on the iCloud means that you can change phones and have all your apps and data with the press of the touch screen.
Apps on the Apple Store have been strictly monitored for quality and security, so you can download whatever you like without worrying. Games and other apps must reach very strict standards before being given a platform, so there are only a few in each category – all equally high quality and sure to please the customer-base.
Bad Androids
Having a bad Android experience is usually because Android markets can allow developers more freedom in uploading their apps and games to the platform, with fewer checks than Apple makes.
Therefore, it is possible to find dodgy apps, or even buy a surprisingly cheap phone that then quickly shows why it was so cheap by breaking down or losing connectivity. With mobiles as with everything: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
Good Androids
What can be a negative point is also a positive: Android allows multiple phone manufacturers to use their platform, so users have a very wide choice when it comes to getting a compatible handset.
Some of the latest high-end Android phones are easily on a par or better than the latest Apple devices, making the choice between the two even harder.
Apps and games are widely available with many different offerings so users can choose from a great array of apps or game sites to choose the one that best suits their needs.
If using the Play Store from Google, all your games and apps will carry over from device to device, so, for example, if you’re playing games on sites such as, then your balance and experiences will be remembered, even if you lose or break your phone.
So which one wins? It is hard to say: both offer high-end phones and superb services. Apple’s limited product and app offering may prove more tempting to those who get overwhelmed by too many choices, while the freedom to choose more precisely in line with likes and dislikes might appeal to Android fans.