Do you want to change the PPT background so the presentation is more interesting? This is the easiest way to change Power Point backgrounds!
Bored with Power Point that just like that? Want something different when giving a presentation at a school assignment ?

You can try to change the background, gang! With just this small change, the audience can focus more on the points in your presentation.
Therefore, this time we will give you a way to change the Power Point background on both laptops and cellphones!
How to Change Background Power Point on a Laptop
By default , the Power Point application developed by Microsoft already provides several themes that can be used free of charge.
In addition, you can also use backgrounds in the form of solid or gradient colors , texture and patterned images, and so on.
But, what if we want to replace the Power Point background with our own image?
Don’t worry, we will tell you a complete tutorial on how to replace ppt backgrounds with images!
How to Change the Background Power Point Per Slide
If you want to use a different background for each slide, you just need to follow the steps below.
Step 1 – Select the Design Tab
When you have opened the Power Point application, select the Design tab at the top, between the Insert and Transitions tabs.
Step 2 – Choose Background Format
After opening the Design tab, select the Format Background menu on the far right. You can also access this feature by right-clicking on the slide you want to change the background.
Step 3 – Select Image
After entering the Background Format, a menu will appear to the right of the Power Point. To change the background, select Picture or texture fill .
Then, click the File button under the words Insert picture from , select the image you want to use as your Power Point background.
Done! Later, your Power Point display will look like the picture below.
For how to make a different Power Point background for each slide, you can repeat the method above on each slide, yes
How to Change the Background Power Point of All Slides
What if we want to use one background image for all existing slides? The method is almost the same as before.
You just need to repeat the same method as before. After selecting an image, press the Apply to All button at the bottom.
How to get rid of background power points
If you want to change your mind and want to change it to the original format, you can use the same method by changing the background.
You just choose Solid fill which by default will be white. To change all slides, click the Apply to All button again to change the color to plain white.
How to Change Background Power Point on HP
That was how to change the Power Point background on a PC or laptop. What if we want to change the background on the cellphone?
Unfortunately, the Power Point application on HP does not have a feature so that we can replace the slide background with its own image.
But still, you can use other presentation applications to change your PPT background. We will give you a way to change the Power Point background in WPS Office !
Step 1 – Download and open the WPS Office application
All you have to do is download this application via the link above. After that, open the application.
Step 2 – Create a Presentation File
After opening the application, you must login first. For convenience, you can use a Google account to login.
When entering the application, press the + button in the lower right corner and select Presentation .
Step 3 – Select Template
In order to be able to replace images, you must use a template that is available for free . If you choose a blank PPT, you won’t be able to change the image.
Step 4 – Replacing the Image
After the template has finished downloading, press on the background image. After that, slide the menu below and press the Down menu .
Press in an empty area, then press the background image again. Select the Change Picture menu at the bottom, then select the picture you want to use. Done!
The final word
Those are some ways to change the Power Point background that you can try to make your presentation more interesting.
You can try some of the suggestions that We have given so that his Power Points are increasingly considered by the audience!