How To Change Name In Zoom Using Website

Zoom application is quite stable and does not take up too much bandwidth for face-to-face meetings or video conferences with other users. But sometimes to give a professional impression during an important conference, you have to change the name of the account so that your opponent knows who is talking to.

How to Change Name in Zoom Using Website
How to Change Name in Zoom Using Website

For that, we only need to change name that appears while doing a video conference on the Zoom site or application. In changing the name of this account, you must change it directly on the official Zoom website.

How to Change Name in Zoom

  1. First, open the login page onZoom’s official website
  2. Log in using your Zoom, Google, or Facebook account
  3. In this case I use a Google account by pressing theSign in with Googlebutton
  4. After the button is pressed, Zoom will ask you to select and enter a Google account
  5. After the Google account is selected, you will be redirected to the Zoom accountProfilepage
  6. Next, select theProfilemenu in thePersonalcategory
  7. Then you will be faced with various data about your Zoom account
  8. At the top of the data there will be an account name that will appear when we do a video conference on Zoom
  9. Right next to the account name, hit theEditbutton to change the name
  10. Furthermore, you can change the names in theFirst Name,Last Name,andDisplay Namefields
  11. If we just want to change the account name that appears during a video conference at Zoom, then only need to change the name inthe Display Namealone
  12. But if you want to change the account name too, then change the name in theFirst NameandLast Namefields
  13. When finished changing the account name, then press theSave Changesbutton
  14. Congratulations, now our account name at Zoom has changed

After the name change process is complete, you can immediately log into the conference or meeting that will take place via the Zoom application or website. When entering the meeting, the account name will automatically change according to what was entered earlier.

How to change the name in Zoom is fairly easy for users to do so that it can be tailored to your needs. But it’s better to just use your real name so as not to confuse the other person.

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