Cheat Code Age Of Empires 3 Complete PC

Cheat Code Age of Empires 3: Without you knowing, the game has many positive benefits for you. Games have been proven to increase concentration, reflexes, and even improve decision making abilities.

Cheat Code Age of Empires 3 Complete PC
Cheat Code Age of Empires 3 Complete PC

Strategy games likeAge of Empires 3play a big role in this. No wonder that this old school game still has a very large number of players up to now.

However, this game is indeed quite difficult for beginners. You see, there are many objectives that you must complete to win this one game.

Starting from gathering and managing resources, forming a strong army, exploration, building cities with an advanced economy and political system, and much more.

It’s complicated, right? But you don’t need to worry. We have the most comprehensive collection of Age of Empires 3 cheatsto make it easier for you to finish this game.

Collection of Cheat Code Age of Empires 3

Age of Empires 3is a game developed byEnsemble Studiosand published byMicrosoft Game Studios. Therefore, this game was released exclusively for the PC platform.

Released in 2005, Age of Empires 3 is part of the very popular Age of Empires franchise and is also a sequel to the gameAge of Empires II: The Age of Kings.

Broadly speaking, Age of Empires is set in the event of European colonization to the American continent in the 15th to 18th centuries.

Currently, there are 2 Expansion Packs from the game Age of Empires 3, namelyThe WarChiefsandThe Asian Dynasty. Oh yeah, this light sized game you can play on a potato PC though, you know.

1. Cheat Code Age of Empires 3

To use the Age of Empires 3 cheat code below, you only need the base game, aka you don’t need to install both Expansion Packs.

The following cheat you can also use in the game Age of Empires 3 which has been installed expansion of Age of Empires 3 The WarChiefs. The method is quite easy.

You just click theENTERbutton on your PC keyboard to open the Chat Box, thenenter the codesbelow according to the effect you want.

Cheat Code Age of Empires 3Effect
a recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obeseFatten all the animals in the map
where’s that ax?Bring up George Crushington, a statue of George Washington that can attack enemies
Give me liberty or give me a coinGot 10,000 coins
Medium Rare PleaseGot 10,000 meals
Got 10,000 woods
Nova & OrionGot 10,000 Exp
X marks the spotOpens all folders but doesn’t eliminate Fog of War
tuck tuck tuckBring up the Tommynator Monster Truck
yeah gotta make do with what ya gotBring up the Mediocre Bombard unit, an artillery unit that shoots capybara animals
sooo goodCreates comic text effects when defeating other units or destroying buildings
speed always winsUp to 100 times the speed of collecting, building, shipping and research
this is too hardWin single player mode automatically
a whole lot of loveAdd all 10,000 resources
o Canada 2005Bring up the Lazerbear unit, a bear that can issue laser weapons
we <3 fluffy! 1!Bring up the dog unit named Fluffy
wuv woo vol.2Bring up the purple tapir fly
wee ooh wee oohBring up a Monster Truck named BigAndy

2. Cheat Code Age of Empires 3 The Asian Dynasties

As the most recent expansion pack, developers certainly add a lot of new content in the game Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties.

The developer also makes cheat codes that can only be used by those of you who have installed expansion of The Asian Dynasties or Age of Empires 3: Complete Collection.

The way to input the cheat is the same, really, gang. Curious? Then just refer to it, let’s!

Cheat Age of Empires 3: The Asian DynastiesEffect
ding ding dingBring up a giant ice cream truck
mustard relish and burning oilBring up Hotdog carts and their sellers
trade plzAdd 10,000 exports
Shiver me timbers!Destroy all enemy ships

3. Cheat Age of Empires 3 by Editing Files

The following cheat requires more effort than the codes above. The reason is, you have to edit files from the game using a text editing application.

The following Cheat Age of Empires 3 has a cooler effect, but has a high risk. One little edit, your game can no longer be played.

Therefore, it would be better if you make a backup of the file you want to edit as a precaution in case your game has an error.

1. Unlimited Resources

The following cheat you can use to get unlimited resources. Here are the steps:

  • Enterthe game folder, then look for a folder calledData. After that, click on the file namedproto.xml.
    Search for files with theCrateOfprefix , for exampleCrateOfFood,CrateOfCoin, and others.
  • Select theresourceyou want to manipulate.
  • At eachentry, look for theInitialResourceCounttag and then change the amount as much as you want.
  • Save the file and then enter into the game.

2. Unlimited Unlock Points

If you want to open a lot of things from the beginning without needing to level up first, you can follow the following cheat:

  • Go to the folder with theMy Documents \ My Games \ Age of Empires 3 \ Savegame directory, then back up the file calledsp_yourcityname_homecity.xml.
  • Open the file and find a line thatsays . Edit number beside him to get a lot of points to unlock things beunlocked.
  • Save the file and then enter into the game.

3. Invincible Units

  • Like to feel difficulties when defeating enemies? With this Age of Empires 3 cheat, your army can’t be defeated, gang.
  • Open theDatafolder , then open the file namedproto.xml with a text editing application.
  • Make a new column and then pressCtrl + Tab2 times. Enter the wordInvulnerable .
  • Make a line below it and writeDoNotDieAtZeroHitpoints.
  • Save the file and then enter into the game.

The final word

This article about a collection of Cheat Age of Empires 3, one of the best Real-Time Strategy games of all time. Hopefully this article will make you even better, gang. But do not get fun cheating because it can make you get bored quickly.

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