As a businessman who uses WhatsApp, of course you should know how to create a WhatsApp chatbot. The reason is, in recent times the presence of chatbots has succeeded in bringing new changes in service to customers in the digital world. In fact, chatbots can be said to be a US card for business managers and companies.
How to Create a WhatsApp Chatbot to Reply to Automatic Messages
Moreover, currently chatbots are available that are equipped with NLP (Natural Language Processing). This feature can make customers more comfortable chatting even if it’s just a chatbot. The reason is, the presence of NLP can communicate naturally like a human.
What is a WhatsAppChatbot?
WhatsApp chatbot is an automated software supported by artificial intelligence and run by the WhatsApp platform. WA application users can communicate with chatbots with an interface like they are talking to humans in general.
However, the series of message replies that appear is an automatic simulation of a chatbot. Specifically, the WhatsApp chatbot is a software program that runs on the WA platform in an encrypted manner. WA users can even communicate with chatbots to replace real admins.
How to Create anAutomatic WhatsAppChatbot
Did you know that WhatsApp users have increased significantly? In 2021 alone, there was an increase in the number of users of up to 40%.
Looking at these numbers, of course choosing WhatsApp as a business medium could be the right choice. So, how do you make a WhatsApp chatbot? Here’s how!
1. Download the WhatsApp Business Application
The first step you have to take is to download the WhatsApp Business application first. You can get it on the Play Store or App Store. This app is also available free to all users. So, no need to hesitate while downloading it.
WhatsApp Business was created to simplify customer service and improve their shopping experience. Therefore, this application is highly recommended for use by various business fields. Starting from personal businesses, small, medium companies, to large scale companies.
2. Create a Business Account
After the WhatsApp Business application is installed, you can start registering your business on the application. Start by registering as a ‘Business Manager’ first, then complete ‘Business Verification’. Next, you can immediately create a WhatsApp Business account.
Don’t forget to ensure that the business name you enter is appropriate. The reason is, the name cannot be changed again. Once verification is complete, you can create a WhatsApp Business account.
3. Plan the Conversation
This is one of the important stages of how to create a WhatsApp chatbot. Of course, you definitely want to make sure whether the chatbot can respond to customer questions appropriately, right? Therefore, you must design various information as answers from the chatbot to questions given by customers.
For example, you can prepare some general information such as business or company, product information, payment procedures, or some other important questions. designing these conversations is not only important for WhatsApp chatbots, but also applies to other chatbots.
4. Complete the Profile and Order Features
After completing the previous steps, you must then complete the business account profile so that it gives a more trustworthy impression. Try entering some basic information such as business category, description, contact, email address, website, and so on.
To make it more complete, you can also include your business address on your WhatsApp Business account. Then, what if you want to include social media links such as Instagram or Facebook? Don’t worry, you can include the link in the website column.
5. IntegrateChatbots
The final and most important step is to integrate the WhatsApp Business account with the chatbot. The reason is, if it has not been integrated, it will be a little difficult to be able to enjoy all the services and benefits that the chatbot has.
You can choose any chatbot product, because currently in Indonesia there are many companies that provide chatbot products. Its quality cannot be underestimated and it can respond to customers quite flexibly.
So, those are some ways you can create a WhatsApp chatbot so that automatic replies appear to customers. Remember, to design the right answers so that chatbot conversations can feel more natural.