Fix BSOD Error: Code 0xc00000eit’s a mistakeBSOD in Windows 10that appears when the computer starts up and creates a lot of frustration for users who find it fromMicrosoftit does not specify in its codes what problem is occurring or the type of solution to apply.

Generally the error0xc00000eoccurs when a hardware component is not detected or a corrupted system file prevents it from startingWindows 10.
In this article, we will show you how to resolve and correct this type of error code without losing the data saved on your device.
How to Fix BSOD Error (0xc00000e) in Windows 10
As mentioned above, the error code0xc00000eit’s a mistakeBSOD(MeaningBlue screen of death) ofWindows 10that appears during startup, which is when an important hardware device was not detected byWindows 10
The problem could arise with aSSDor theHDD, where system files are normally stored. The error can also be caused by a corrupted system file, thus preventing theWindows 10.
In other words, any hardware or file system errors that preventWindows 10to locatewinload.exe, that is, one of the archives of theBoot managerdeWindowsand startup, may cause the error0xc00000e.
Example of a possible scenario
You have a computer running Windows RT, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2012 from whichPlug and playdisconnect; alternatively, a network problem causes a disk to be removed from the computerPlug and playDisconnected – A fatal error message similar to the following will be displayed:
STOP: 0xC000000E (parameter1,parameter2,parameter3,parameter4)
The error0xC000000Eindicates a problem withSTATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE: The parameters of this fatal error message vary depending on the computer configuration.
However, it should be emphasized that not allStop “0xC000000E”are caused by this type of problem. Also, seeing theRegisterenEvents viewer, no event log indicates that the disk is no longer visible.
After installing this update, if a disk is removed,error 157to facilitate surprise problem solving. Without this update, you can remove the disk without any notification. For more information, see pageWow, 404 error! Can’t find that page.
This problem occurs because a defense mechanism is started in the system to protect the data on the system.Plug and play.
How to fix error code 0xc00000e?
Since the error does not indicate a specific hardware device or missing system file, you will need to perform one or all of the following troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem, which will be described as appropriate.
1.Using Windows 10 Automatic Repair Tool.
To fix Windows system errors like these, you can use Windows’ native automatic repair tool, following the steps below to use the tool from a bootable installation disc and fix the error:
A.To access the Windows 10 start menu, turn your computer off and on.
SECOND.As soon as the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen, press the F2 key to enter the boot menu.
C.Once you enter the boot menu, the first thing to do is change the boot options toCD / DVD Rom. If you have a unitUSBbootable you can also select to boot fromUSB.
RE.Enter theCD / DVDoperating systemWindows 10and restart the computer which will then boot fromCD / DVD Rom. The message will appear on the screen.“Press any key to boot from a CD or DVD”; then press any key on the keyboard.
The repair / installation process ofWindows: in this case we only treatrepairof the system. Select the time zone, language, and keyboard input method.
On the next screen, click the linkRepair your computerlocated in the lower left corner. Then clickProblem solving>Advanced>Auto repair.
To repair filesWindowscorrupt will take a couple of minutes. The system repair option generally repairs corrupted or missing system files. However, if this method does not solve the problem, go to the next method.
2. Regenerate the boot configuration data file in Windows 10.
The fileBoot configuration dataOBCDis a system file indicating aWindowshow to boot the operating system, then a fileBCDcorrupt could also cause an error0xc00000ein the operating system.
To rebuild theBCDyou can startWindowswith your installation CD or with a bootable USB drive by following the steps below:
A.Start the computer fromDVDdeWindows 10Oh yeahUSBBoot.
SECOND.In the pageXNUMXddeWindowsselect the language to install, the time zone, the input method and then the buttonForward.
C.Click onRepair your computerlocated in the lower left>Problem solving>Advanced. Then selectSymbol of the system.
RE.Write these commands one by one by pressing the buttonENTERafter each command:
bootrec / scanos |
bootrec / fixmbr |
bootrect / fixboot |
bootrec / rebuildbcd |
The commandbootrecObootrec.exeis a tool provided byMicrosoftused to troubleshoot and correct startup problems in the recovery environmentWindows.
The commandbootrec / fixmbrrcan be used to correct damage to theMBR(Master Boot Record) and write aMBRCompatible withWindows 10on the system partition.
The commandbootrec / fixbootwrite a new boot sector to the system partition.
The commandbootrec / scanosSscans all disk partitions for an installation ofWindows.
The commandbootrec / rebuildbcdscan all installation discs that are compatible with your operating system. It also allows you to select the facilities you want to addBCD(Boot configuration data).
ME.Restart your computer and check if the problem is resolved. Otherwise, you will need to try the next method.
3. Reset the BIOS / UEFI settings.
The error0xc00000eIt could also occur due to incorrect configuration of theBIOSand it is possible to solve it by restoring its configuration in the following way:
A.Restart your computer and wait for the manufacturer’s logo to appear, then to access BIOS setup, press one of these keysF2,F12,Esc,Cancundepending on the brand of computer used.
SECOND.Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through the options on theBIOSup to the default option of your configuration. Click on this option and press the buttonENTERon the keyboard to restore the settings of theBIOS.
Save and exitBIOSpressingF10or using the arrow keys to manually exit. Once you have left theBIOS, the device reboots automatically.
4. Replace the CMOS battery.
If the date and time ofBIOSare configured incorrectly, it can be painful to replace the batteryCMOS, a chip on the motherboard that stores the configuration of theBIOS, date, time and other information, such as some hardware configurations.
BatteryCMOSfeeds the firmwareBIOSon the device, which must always remain operational even when the device is not connected to a power source. When a device is disconnected from the power source, theBIOSdepends on batteryCMOSby proxy.
After replacing the batteryCMOS, you need to reconfigure theBIOSand restart your computer.
If none of the above methods solve the problem, the last available option is to reinstallWindows 10.
Before reinstallingWindowson your computer, you need to run theapoyoof all important information so you don’t accidentally lose it.