Do you want to use the Dark Mode feature in the Google Chrome application but don’t know how to activate it?
Dark mode is now one of the features that are sought after by smartphone users because it offers such great benefits both for eye health or battery power consumption.
Night Mode or Dark Mode feature itself has now begun to be widely adopted by application developers, including Google.
The giant technology company is now starting to provide the Dark Mode feature on several applications made by them such as YouTube, Gmail, Chrome, and others.
Unfortunately, there are still many people who don’t know about how to activate the Dark Mode feature so that many just ignore it.
Well, in this article we will discuss about how to activate the Dark Mode feature in the Google Chrome application for PCs and smartphones.
How to Activate the Dark Mode Feature in Google Chrome on PC
Not only present on smartphone devices, you can also apply this Dark Mode feature in the PC version of Google Chrome.
Step 1 – Open Google Chrome
The first step which of course you have to do is open the Google Chrome application on a PC device first.
Step 2 – Visit the Chrome Web Store
If the Google Chrome application is already open, your next step is to visit the Chrome Web Store page to download the Dark Mode extension.
You can visit the Chrome Web Store page at the URL Then the appearance will be as follows.
Step 3 – Download the Dark Mode extension
The next step, you find and download an extension that offers the Dark Mode theme, gang. Here truegossiper recommends that you use an extension called Dark Reader .
If not directly available on the main page, you can search for it by typing the name of the theme in the search field that has been provided.
After successfully finding the extension you are looking for, then click the “Add to Chrome” button .
Step 4 – Add extensions
Furthermore, the Google Chrome application will bring up a pop-up notification to ensure that you want to install the extension in Chrome.
At this stage you can select the ” Add extension ” button .
After that, the Dark Reader extension has been successfully installed in Google Chrome. However, if you don’t see any changes, you can refresh the page .
If it works then the display will be more or less like the following.
How to Activate the Dark Mode Feature of Google Chrome on HP
If Truegossiper had previously explained how to activate the Dark Mode feature on Google Chrome PC, then the next way to activate this feature is on Chrome smartphone devices.
To activate it, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1 – Open the Google Chrome application
First of all, you open the Google Chrome application on an Android or iOS phone .
Step 2 – Enter Chrome Flags settings
The next step, you enter the Chrome Flags settings page by typing the chrome: // flags URL in the Google URL column.
If successful, then the display will be like the following.
Step 3 – Enter the keyword “dark mode”
After that, you type the keyword ” dark mode ” in the search field, then some settings that have the keyword ” dark mode ” will appear below it.
Step 4 – Activate the Android Chrome UI dark mode settings
The next step, you activate the setting called Android Chrome UI dark mode . Then, select the ” Relaunch Now ” button in the lower right corner.
After that you exit the Google Chrome application and open it again .
Step 5 – Activate the Dark Mode feature
The next step after you re-enter the Google Chrome application, then you enter the Chrome settings page .
In the ” Themes ” enable the option ” dark ” . Tada! now the Dark Mode feature in the Google Chrome application is activated.
The final word
Well, that was the steps to activate the Dark Mode feature in one of the applications made by Google, namely Google Chrome, the gang.
Unlike the Dark Mode feature on the Chrome app for smartphones that are available by default , unfortunately on PC devices you can only use extensions that are far from perfect.