How to Connect MidJourney to Discord?

With the arrival of Midjourney on Discord, the idea of transforming a few commands into illustrations, drawings and logos has become an exciting reality.

How to connect MidJourney to Discord?

How to connect MidJourney to Discord?

The platform allows users to unleash their imagination and create surprising graphic content from just a few words.

The AI ​​tool works collaboratively on Discord servers, where group members can explore their creative potential quickly and seamlessly.

Haven’t you jumped on this bandwagon yet? Don’t worry! We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide for you to use Midjourney on Discord right now. Check out:

1: Access a Discord account

To join a Midjourney server, you need to have a verified Discord account. Create your Discord profile through your browser, mobile phone or desktop app.

2: Enter the Midjourney server

With your account verified, access the Midjourney website and select the “Sign in” option on the bottom right of the page. Next, you will be directed to Discord and must accept the Bot’s terms of use within the platform.

3: Choose one of the plans offered

Midjourney offers 3 plans for its users. Choose the one that best suits your needs:

4: Enter the Midjourney server

In Discord, click the “+” button in the server list in the sidebar, select the “join a server” option and paste or type the link into the text box.

5: Find a #General or #Newbie channel

Within the Midjourney Discord server, on the right side of the page, look for rooms with the name “#Newbie” or “#general”. Choose one of them and that’s it! You are ready to make the most of your AI tool.

Extra tip: create a Midjourney server just for you

Don’t want your request to be seen by all members of the Discord server? Create yours! Check out:

1: Create a new server

From the Discord home screen, select the “+” button on the left of the page. There, follow the instructions and create a new server.

2: Link the server to artificial intelligence

Return to the Midjourney channel and look for a message from the Bot. Click on the profile and a screen about it will open:

Select the “Add to server” option and choose the space you created in the previous step. An authorization tab will open and upon accepting the terms, you will be able to use Midjourney privately.

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