As a way of offering an additional tool to its users, WhatsApp made the Channels function available this September. The feature allows a person or company to send messages to many people without worrying about a participant limit like that seen in Groups.
After a testing period for selected companies, the functionality will gradually become available to all messenger users. And you can check out how to use it in the tutorial below.
How to create Channels on WhatsApp?
If you are curious about using the WhatsApp Channels function, see the following steps to manage your own message trigger profile:
- When accessing the WhatsApp application, tap the Updates option in the bar located at the bottom of the screen;
- Scroll down until you find the Channels area. In the area on the right, click on the “+” button and then on the Create channel option ;
- Carefully read the instructions that appear on this screen to understand how the feature works, then tap Accept and Continue (if you are on Android) or Continue (if you are an iOS user);
- Create a channel name and description, then tap Create channel. Once it is generated, simply share your link with other people.
It is worth mentioning that any user with an active account on the application can find a group, in addition to viewing the history of messages published in the last 30 days.
Another important point is that messages published in these areas do not have end-to-end encryption – despite WhatsApp stating that it moderates what appears in these areas – and only the channel creator can publish content.