Using Spotify offline is the perfect way to listen to music on the go. You can use Spotify offline as a premium member while using a computer, phone, or tablet equally.

Download music from Spotify to phone or tablet
- Go to the Google Play Store (for Android products) or the Apple Store (for Apple products), search for Spotify and download the official app to your phone.
- If you have a tablet, the instructions for setting up Spotify Offline are the same as for the tablet.
1. Create or update your Spotify account
Spotify Offline – the feature that lets you download and listen to music without wifi – is only available to Premium members, which means you will have to pay for the service. If you don’t already have an account on Spotify, you need to go to their website and click on “Get Spotify Premium” on their home page. Follow the site instructions to create a Premium account. [1]
- If you already have a free account with Spotify, log in and click on the “Premium” tab at the top right of the screen. Follow the on-screen instructions of Spotify to upgrade. [2]
- Instead of registering with an email account and entering your personal information specifically, you can simply click on the “Register with Facebook” option to use your Facebook account.
2. Make sure you are connected to the Internet
Spotify recommends downloading via an Internet connection, as cellular data can be expensive.
3. Create a playlist
Go to “Your Library” at the bottom of the application interface, select “Playlists”, press “Edit”, press the white plus sign, and press “Create” after entering a name. Add songs to this playlist by pressing the “Options” button next to a song, selecting “Add to playlist”, and selecting the name of your playlist.
4. Download your playlist
On your phone’s interface, go to the Library page and select the playlist, songs, artists or albums you want to download. At the top of your song, playlist, artist or album screen, drag the button under “Available Offline” to the right. Your music should start downloading.
- On iPhone or iPad, the download progress appears as a green bar under the “Library” section of your Library page, although you will still see green arrows down next to the successfully downloaded songs.
- Android phones do not have the bar under “Library” in their download interface, although they also display green arrows next to the tracks when the download is complete.
5. Activate offline mode
Once your tracks have been downloaded, find the “Your library” tab at the bottom of the screen and select it to bring up the Settings option. In the Settings menu, select “Play”, then drag the button next to “Offline” on the right. It should turn green, which means you have successfully implemented offline mode!
- If you leave the range of Wi-Fi or if you are in Airplane mode, your phone should automatically go into offline mode.
Download music from Spotify to a desktop
1. Create or update your Spotify account
Spotify Offline– the feature that lets you download and listen to music without wifi – is only available to Premium members, which means you will have to pay for the service. If you don’t already have an account on Spotify, you need to go to their website and click on “Get Spotify Premium” on their home page. Follow the site instructions to create a Premium account.
- If you already have a free account withSpotify, log in and click on the “Premium” tab at the top right of the screen. Follow the on-screen instructions of Spotify to upgrade.
- Instead of registering with an email account and entering your personal information specifically, you can simply click on the “Register with Facebook” option to use your Facebook account.
2. Download the configuration of Spotify
After creating an account with Spotify, click the “Download” tab at the top right of their website to download the installer for the Spotify program. Although the download should start automatically, you can click the “restart download” link in the middle of the page if it is not.
- You can access this configuration file in your default “downloads” location.
3. Install Spotify on your desktop
Double-click on the Spotify configuration you just downloaded and let the installer do its work. Once the installation is complete, log in using your account information.
- Make sure you have a reliable internet connection during this process, as Spotify needs internet access to load its databases.
4. Personalize your Spotify music
Once connected to Spotify, you can browse by genre, by new version and by playlist. Add specific tracks or entire playlists to your personal account by clicking on the white sign next to the track and playlist names.
5. Create a playlist
In the lower left corner of your interface, click on the white plus sign next to “New playlist” to create your own playlist.
Add tracks as you see fit by clicking and dragging songs, artists or albums to this file.
6. Download your playlist for offline play.
Click the “Available offline” option at the top of the playlist when you are finished. It should turn green, and the tracks in your playlist will start uploading to your Spotify program.
- While your tracks are downloading, a circular arrow turns on the left side of the track information. When the process is complete, a green downward arrow will take the place of the circular arrow.
7. Activate offline mode
In the menu bar, click on “File”, then click on the option “Offline mode”. You should now be using Spotify’s Listen Offline feature!
- Spotify will automatically go offline if you suddenly lose your wifi signal.
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Here! This is how you can download music from Spotify