Learn how to restore WhatsApp Backup on Android easily. Follow the clear steps to restore chats and media from local backup or Google Drive. Get solutions for deleted WhatsApp messages recovery and other frequently asked questions.
WhatsApp is a great instant messaging application for communicating and having fun with other people. This instant messaging application is available for Android, iPhone and computers.
How to Restore WhatsApp Backup on Android
If you are an active WhatsApp user, you probably already know that this application allows you to share media. You can send photos and videos for free to other people through this application.
As WhatsApp has become a mainstream communications app, it is important for you to have regular chat backups. On WhatsApp, you have two options to back up your chat history, namely via Google Drive and via local backup.
Best Way to Restore WhatsApp Backup on Android Depending on the option you selected in the backup and restore settings, you will have to connect to it to restore the backup. In this article, we will share various ways to restore WhatsApp Backup on Android.
Restore WhatsApp Backup on Android (Google Drive) If you have set WhatsApp to back up your chat history to your Google Drive account, you need to follow these steps to restore the backup.
Here is how to restore WhatsApp Backup on Android (Google Drive).
1. Long hold the WhatsApp app icon and selectUninstall.
2. After successfully deleting, open the Google Play Store andreinstallthe WhatsApp application.
3. Select your language on the Welcome to WhatsApp screen and tap the arrow icon at the bottom right.
4. Tap the Agree and Continue button on the Welcome /Agree and Continue screen.
5. Now, you will be asked to enter your phone number. Enter your phone number and tap the Next button.
6. On the Verify phone number screen, taptheContinue button.
7. Now, WhatsApp will search for your latest backup file in Google Drive. Once found, clickthe RestoreorRestore button.
8. Wait until WhatsApp restores the chat backup from your Google Drive.
9. When finished, taptheNext button.
10. Now, you can use WhatsApp. All your old chats will be restored along with media files.
There he is! Here’s how to restore WhatsApp backup on Android via Google Drive.
Restore WhatsApp Backup on Android from Local Backup
To restore a WhatsApp backup from a local backup, you need to make sure that Google Drive backup is disabled.Here’s how to make sure.
1. Open WhatsApp and tap the three dots at the top right.
2. In the menu that appears, selectSettings.
3. In Settings, tap onChats.
4. On the Chat screen, scroll down and tap ChatBackup.
5. Tap the Back up to Google Drive /Back up toGoogle Drive option.
6. At the Back up to Google Drive warning, selectNeverorNever.
7. Now, under Last Backup, tapBackup.
There he is! This will backup your WA to local storage.
Restore WhatsApp Chats from Latest Local Backup Now that WhatsApp backup has been saved in your local storage, you can restore it easily. To do this, follow these steps.
- Delete the WhatsApp application on your Android device.
- Open Google Play Store and reinstall the WhatsApp application.
- Enter your phone number and verify it.
- Tap Restore to restore your chats and media from a local backup when prompted.
There he is! Here’s how to restore WhatsApp Backup on Android from local storage.
In this article, we have explained how to restore WhatsApp Backup on Android by using Google Drive or local backup. You can follow clear steps to recover your chat history and media files easily.
We also provide solutions to restore deleted messages and answer frequently asked questions about WhatsApp recovery. With this guide, you can easily solve WhatsApp recovery problems and recover your important data.