How To See What Your Pages Are Indexed On Google

Here’s how to know which pages on your site have been indexed on Google. You can use the Search Console for a complete overview and discover any indexing problems.

how to see what your pages are indexed on Google .

Do you have a website and want to find out which pages have been indexed on Google? Do you need to know if Google has indexed your pages correctly? How to do it It’s very simple thanks to the Search Console.

The Search Console, in fact, allows you to know all the details of how your site is indexed and what are the possible problems that Google encountered when scanning your pages.

Here’s how to see what your pages are indexed on Google

How to discover indexed pages on Google

In the Search Console you will be able to access the Index Coverage tool to see all the details related to indexed pages and scan problems.

In this report, you will see your pages grouped based on the type of error or warning detected. You will see, that is, a list of errors and problems with the relative number of pages that present that problem. By clicking on a row, you will see the list of URLs affected by that alert.

You will find an explanation of the type of error, in fact, in the Type column. This column will be very important to understand what may be wrong with your pages.

From the Coverage report you can then see which pages are indexed on Google and which ones are not. You can also find out what reasons led to not indexing them.

List of indexed pages

To view the list of indexed pages on your site, go to the Search Console and open the Coverage report that you find under Index in the menu on the left.

In the graph, you can select the various Error sections, Valid with warnings, Valid and Page excluded. Select Valid and deselect all the others.

This report will show you all the pages on your site that have been indexed correctly. The graph will display the exact number of indexed pages.

Below the graph, you will have a list of details. As shown in the figure, we have the pages sent and indexed and the pages indexed but not sent via the sitemap.

This means that the first refers to the pages that are present in your sitemap and that are correctly indexed. In the second one, instead, there are those pages that Google has identified, even though they are not present in the sitemap. The search engine has therefore deemed it appropriate to index them.

Another value you could find is “Indexed, you could mark it as canonical”. In this case, it means that Google has detected duplicate content, so if you add the canonical link to these pages you will avoid problems related to the double contents.

Click on one of these items to view the complete list of indexed pages. Here, then, are your pages indexed on Google.

For each URL you will also see when was the last scan date.

How to know if a page is indexed

If you want to know if a particular page has been indexed by Google, there is a much more practical system than this. In fact, if you have a lot of pages, it would be rather complicated to find the exact URL in the list of all indexed pages.

Instead, use the URL Check tool. Enter the complete URL of the page, including Http or https, and start the search. Google will scan the index to check if that URL is present.

If the page was not indexed, you could initiate an indexing request. Google will soon visit your URL and, if the scan is successful, the page will be inserted in the index.

If instead your page is indexed, you will be able to see various details, such as the last scan date, or you can ask for a new indexing if you have made any changes.

Correction of scanning errors

The great usefulness of the Coverage report is that if Google has not indexed your pages, you can immediately find out the reasons for the exclusion and take immediate action.

In fact, if you select Error, you will see all the pages that have encountered problems. Correct Search Console errors immediately and rescan the correct scanned URLs.

After some time, check again which pages are indexed on Google to verify that the new scan has been successful and the error has been solved.

I also suggest that you also check the Valid section with warnings. In fact, even if these are less serious problems, you may find some anomalies to correct.

Finally, among the excluded pages, you can find all the pages you have intentionally removed from the index, for example through the noindex meta tag. Also in this case take a look at the reasons for the exclusions and check that everything is in order.

Know indexed pages: quick method

There is another way to see which pages are indexed on Google, but it is a less precise method, although much faster.

It consists of doing a Google search using the site selector: followed by your domain. For example, if you type in the site: search field, you will be able to view as results all the SOS WP pages that appear in the Google index.

The result of this search is however quite approximate and does not allow you to get all the other information that instead you find in Search Console.

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