Use Live Photos In iPhone 6: If you own an iPhone 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus or an iPhone 8, 8 plus and X, you can enjoy Live Photos! It is ideal for photographing objects or people in motion: birds, streams, children … In addition, it works just as well with the cameras placed at the front and back of your smartphone.

How To Use Live Photos In iPhone 6?
What is Live Photos?
Live Photos is a feature that combines photos and videos.
And thanks to its .mov format , you can share your Live Photos as videos on Facebook!
Live Photos are saved automatically in the Photos application under the Live Photos album. When you connect your iPhone to your Mac, the Photos application will have a section, in the left pane, dedicated to Live Photos. They will be in .jpeg format.
How to use Live Photos
Open the Photos app and turn on the Live Photos option by tapping the two- by-one icon (at the top of the screen, in the middle).
Once activated, the icon will turn yellow.
For its activation and use, follow these 8 tips:
Live Photos starts recording before you press the shutter, so have your lens in sight.
It’s the same when you’re done. Do not press the shutter button until you have turned your camera to the ground, for example.
Live Photos also records the sound of your photo. For example, when you take pictures of your little cousin and talk to him, your voice will be heard in the picture.
Note: If you can not get the sound on your Live Photo, try turning it off and then on again. This does not mean that the audio function will be disabled from your photo.
You will also have to press the shutter button very quickly because if you hold it for a long time you will be in Burst mode or you will only take part of your picture.
Live Photos needs a good source of light, this is due to their frame rate: 15 fps, which is not enough to capture light properly.
Make sure Live Photos is turned off when you do not need it, especially if your iPhone has only 16 GB of memory. To turn off Live Photos, press the shutter button, it will turn white and show Live Off.
On iPhone 6 and 6s, your photos taken with the rear camera will be 12 megapixels, and 5 megapixels with the front camera.
When we imported our live photos via the app Transferring images to the Videos folder, she took the .mov format and size was 5.50 Mo.
His version jp e g was it, 7 , 6 MB. Even if you are a fan of Live Photos, use the app sparingly because the memory of your iPhone can quickly fill.
Watch Live Photos
Once your photo has been taken, you can see it through the Photos application on your iPhone, or you can tap directly on its thumbnail with 3D Touch technology.
On your iPhone, open your Live Photos and press the photo. Since, a Mac appointment in the Photos application? Live Photos and click Live at the top left.
Know that it is now possible to see his Live Photos from an Apple Watch (2nd and 3rd generation), and use it as wallpaper.
Start by pairing your Apple Watch with your iPhone. Then, go to the Photos app on your smartphone, select your Live Photos and press the Create Dial option at the bottom of your screen.
Finally, press ADD, just below Photos. Your Live Photos is loaded on your Apple Watch. To set it as wallpaper on your connected watch, just tap your Live Photos and choose Create wallpaper for the watch.
Retouch Live Photos
Under iOS 10, tap Edit, the 3-line icon, next to the Recycle Bin at the bottom right of the screen. And, under iOS11, the Edit option is at the top right.
From your Mac, open your Live Photos and at the top right click Edit.
You can add filters to your photos, annotate them, change the framing of the photo, but also its beginning and end. However, you will not be able to change the duration of the photo directly through the Photos app.
Find your Live Photos on your iPhone
The Live Photos stand out from the others thanks to the circular icon that is in their left corner.
If you want to view all your Live Photos, open the Photos app and select Albums at the bottom of the screen. In the Media Types category, tap Live Photos.
Turn Live Photos into Gifs
To share your most beautiful video shots on social networks, what’s more convenient than the .gif format ( Graphics Interchange Format, format to animate images)!
For that, you have the application Motion Stills, developed by Google.
It allows you to convert them into Gifs, and at the same time to have an image of better quality.
Motion Stills analyzes each image of your Live Photo and automatically stabilizes it, especially if you have trembled while shooting.
You can also assemble several Live Photos and export them in video or .gif format.
Note that it is also possible to convert your photos to .gif directly on your Mac:
- Plug your iPhone into your Mac.
- Launch the Capture application.
- Upload your Live Photo on your Mac. Then, using QucikTime Player, or the PicGIF Lite app (free and in French), convert them.
Share Live Photos
You can share your Live Photos with another iOS device, using iMessage, AirDrop, or iCloud. If you send your Live Photos to an iPhone with 3D Touch technology, there will be a firm pressure to view it.
If you share your Live photo to an iPhone 6 or an earlier iOS system, you will need to press longer on the photo concerned.
For sharing from a Mac, on OS X El Capitan or later, prefer AirDrop or iMessage.
If you opt for email, know that your Live photo can only have the .jpg format, and this, whatever your Apple device. It will be the same, if your sharing is done to an iPhone or iPad prior to iOS 9 via AirDrop, iMessage or WhatsApp.
Share a Live Photos on Facebook
From your iPhone app, sign in to your Facebook account. At the top of your screen, select the Photo option and finally your Live Photos.
Note that only your friends who own an iPhone will be able to watch it.
Extract a Live Photo
Here’s how to do with a Mac, prior to El Capitan:
- Plug the iPhone into your Mac.
- Launch the native Capture application. You will see that each animated photo has its version .jpg and .mov.
- Download their .mov version and share it to another device or Facebook, for example.
- Battery & Live Photo
As soon as you open Live Photos, the application starts recording, even before you press the shutter button. It will be 1.5 seconds ahead of the animated photo you will take.
This process is therefore very energy intensive. We strongly recommend that you strongly disable the Photos and Live Photos applications on your iPhone.