How To Watch Free Movies On Chromecast [streaming] [Smartphone And PC]

The Google Chromecast is a device that connected via HDMI to a TV allows you to transmit a signal (streaming), today we will see how to use it to watch free movies on Chromecast.

How To Watch Free Movies On Chromecast [streaming] [Smartphone And PC]

We will do everything through an application for Android and for iOS, relying on one of the many free streaming sites on the net, while on PC using Google Chrome.

An effective combination for many uses, not only for cinema, film or TV series.

How to watch free movies on Chromecast

The index of the guide is divided into 3 main parts:



On Android, let’s take advantage of a little-known app that I think is the best in its field (after trying so many), let’s talk about:

Cast to TV

At the beginning like many I used Web Video Caster, but lately it fails to send all the signals so trying and trying various App I arrived at Cast to TV as the final choice.

The application has integrated a browser where it is possible to surf in total security thanks to an integrated AdBlock, but above all a very effective PopUp Blocker on streaming sites.

I remind you to connect both the device that will work as chromecast and the phone to the same modem , so we’re ready to go.

Steps to take

Open the app and click at the top right on the chromecast symbol, a popup will open where you will see your device. Click on it to associate it with the application and be ready to send the streaming signal.

You will now have the browser connected to your chromecast in front of you, just type in the address of the streaming site you want ( best streaming sites without registration ), browse the site and get to the movie or TV series you chose.

When you are on the page where the film is present in the lower right corner an icon with the play button will be colored red, click on it.

Now you will have the various streams of the film, by clicking on one of them you will send it to your chromecast and after a short charging period it will automatically start playing.


In case the video from error when clicked and therefore is not sent to the chromecast, then start it first in the browser (as if you wanted to see it from the smartphone) and then press the red button and try the various streams present in the list. By doing so and activating the stable mode you will be able to see any movie.


As for Apple and its operating system for mobile devices, the best application is:

Video & TV Cast for chromecast

The concept of operation is the same as Android, with AdBlock also integrated here.

Since the procedure is very similar I suggest you read the Android guide to understand how to send the streams to watch free streaming movies on Chromecast.


On computers, streaming is much simpler and does not require any app dedicated to casting streaming streams, but simply Google Chrome.

In this case you have two options to choose from:

  • Send the entire PC screen
  • Send streaming only

For the first solution click on the top right on the three Google Chrome dots and then on transmit, here you will have your device and clicking on it will send the video signal.

To send the film only you will first need to start the movie on PC, then right-click on the video and you will have the option to send clickable to send free movies on chromecast.

In case it is not full-screen on the TV click on the PC symbol at the bottom right of the player to put it in full screen and it will work to make a full screen on chromecast, the same thing even if there is no audio.

As you can see, after understanding the concept of functioning to send free movies to chromecast, you can finally have an infallible system at hand to have the cinema at home on any television or monitor.

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