Creating Custom BBM PIN– This BlackBerry Messenger application has indeed become a prima donna for young people. Because the messenger application is very popular in its use to send and receive information. However, over time, the popularity of the Blackberry Messenger or BBM application has decreased.

How to Make a Custom BBM PIN Free
The presence of other messenger applications such as WhatsApp, Line, Telegram, and so on with various interesting features makes BBM less desirable. One of the reasons is the User ID problem, where BBM uses a random BBM PIN.
This BBM PIN will be generated randomly and often changes every time you log in to the BBM application. This random PIN makes it difficult for users to remember it, even though you can create a Custom PIN by paying some money.
Free BBM Custom PIN
BBM Custom PIN is a PIN or BlackBerry Messenger Application User ID that you can set yourself. Usually, this BBM PIN will be generated randomly, making it difficult to remember. With this BBM Custom PIN, you can determine your own PIN to be used.
Initially, when you want to create your own PIN or Custom PIN, you will be charged a fee of around Rp. 10,000, – per month. However, now there is good news for those of you who still use BBM. Now you can create a Custom BBM PIN for free.
How to make a Free BBM Custom PIN
To create a custom BBM PIN for free, it’s very easy. You just need to follow the steps below.
Step 1
In the main BBM App window, tap on theMeTab at the bottom right. then the PIN section will appear, please tap on that section.
Step 2
In the next window, you will be asked to enter your cellphone number. Make sure you enter a number that is currently active, because a verification code will be sent to that number.
Step 3
Please enter the verification code that has been sent to your cellphone number.
Step 4
Then in the Custom PIN window, please enter the BBM PIN you want, at least 6 characters and a maximum of 8 characters. After that, tapDonein the top right corner.
That’s an easy way to make a Custom PIN for free on BBM. Thus, you can now use your Favorite PIN on the BBM application without having to pay a penny.