Google Maps Distance Between Two Points: Time goes by, and Google Mapscontinues to increase its ability to offer users more features and tools.
It not only serves as a guide to moving from one place to another along with the means of transport, but also has become a complete helper that integrates all kinds of functions.
This happens on the web and on the internet arobotcan never say that we know everything about its functioning and therefore we are here to discover these things and outputs. It is always useful tomeasure distancesfrom point A to point B, not just for driving, as it can also be used to walk or measure terrain on a map. We’ll show you how to do it.
Measure the Google Maps Distance Between Two Points
The process is really simple, but you need to know how to do it in order to go well and we should not get into the calculation error.
Once theGoogle Mapsapp is open, continue with a long press on where you want to leave, and then scroll through the marked location menu until we find the “Measure distance” option.
The first marked point and the crosshair appear, which must be placed in the second place to start the measurement. In addition, using the “plus” buttonwe can add all these pointsthat we want on our personal journey, linking them all at the end of the process.
No matter where the next point is, we need to zoom in or out regardless of the distance,Google Mapswill mark it and we will show thetotal distance of the route, the choice between kilometers or kilometers.
If you want to delete the last drawn part, go to the “Back” button or the “Delete” button if we intend to restart the process from scratch.
It’s asimple and simple wayto measure the distance we need to travel, whether for work or just want to focus on sports to walk or run. There’s also a way to do this in the web version, but we’ve focused on our specialty, which is arobot.
One more trick to keep in mind in the wide range of options we have in the app, soupdate itto the latest version to enjoy these features.