PUBG Crown and Legendaryaccounts – PUBG stands for Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds which is one of the most popular battle royale genre games among teenagers and even adults who all like to play this game.

This game itself is available in various versions. Initially, this game was available in the PC version, which was then made a PS4 and X-Box version, then a Mobile version appeared which unexpectedly made this game more global with its mobile version.
Although initially this game itself did not focus on the mobile version, but because the mobile version was favored so much that it made this game get big fame and profits, the mobile version was developed more seriously.
Until now millions of active users play this game every day and Indonesia is the country with the most active users in the world along with India and the United States.
How to play this FPS or First Person Shooter game is quite simple, you will be taken to a location with 100 players from all over the world. You can form a team with 2 players, 3 players to 4 players from all over the world.
The player or team that is able to survive until the end of the battle will be the winner and will get a chicken dinner prize. Although it can be played alone or as a solo player, this game is more interesting if played in a team because here you can work together and build game strategies to become winners.
PUBG Crown and Legendary accounts
For friends who love this game, we will provide PUBG Crown and Legendary accounts for all of you that can be played easily and of course for free.
Please grab a free account below!
Email :
Password : dennys123
Email :
Password : francisomeg5
Email :
Password : 808state
Email :
Password : baha2004
Email :
Password : neo6854558
Congratulations for those of you who managed to get the free account above, but for those of you who are not fast enough so you can’t get the account above, don’t be sad because we still have a large collection of accounts that we have and you can get.