Record Your PC Screen: Microsoft completes Windows 10 with an application for recording your pc screen. You can find this feature on the Xbox application.
Although the Xbox name is identical to the game, you can also record other things besides the game through the application. This is an easy way to use the Xbox application to record what is being done on your PC or laptop.
How to Record Your PC Screen On Window 10
1. Open the Xbox application
2. Open the game or application that you want to record
3. Press the Windows + G
4. Click the record button or press Win + Alt + R
5. When finished, you can press Windows + G again
6. Click the button stop on the top right
Interestingly, on the Xbox application, you can also cut videos. Of course, the editing process that you can do in this application is not as convenient if you use a video editing application. However, from Xbox, you also have the option to upload the video.